

[日期:2005-01-22] 来源:ChaseDream论坛 作者:luckyforever [字体: ]

由于在做一个project, 我是签证前一天晚上10点左右才回到上海, 极其疲惫。第二天一早起来, 黑眼圈加眼带, 惨不忍睹。当时已经报着就这样豁出去的心态去了'关于签证的前叙就不多说.

我和smile FM 是一前一后进去的。后来碰到小牛, 我一开始有点慌乱, 资料都快掉出来了, 还好smileFm在旁边帮忙和安慰。本来以为自己的DS表完美无缺,结果被2号窗收表的一个中国男人弹了出来。此男子30多岁, 极其态度极为恶劣, 一副欠他多, 还他少的表情, 全世界人民都对不起他的样子. 说是DS157中英文要分开打印在两张纸上。 我可是特别将它们打在一张纸上的, 没想到,郁闷。。。结果只好重填一张中文。 填完交标再重新排队, 这样一折腾, 我前面就多了30个人。

按指纹和签证都是随机的,和号码大小无关。 尽管我到的很早, 但是在11左右叫到我的号, 可能等了时间太长, 叫到我号时, 我还没反映过来。 来到7号窗VO面前, VO户是个漂亮的女孩, 穿绿色衬衫。

M:How are you today?A  Busy day huh?

V.O Yeah. (nod and smile)

V.O. So you are going to study for MBA? (looking at the sheets)?

M. Yeah I am going to XXX business school?

V.O. Ok so what specific area you are interested in?

M. Marketing, my second year concentration would be marketing. Cause I love advertising?

V.O really? why u love advertising?

M. Cause I would be able to working on different types of industrial such as FMCG, Auotmobile, manufacture. Everyday you are dealing with new things, it is really an exciting job?

V.O. (nod) So what does your company do? and which client you are working

M. It is a advertising agency and currently I am working on two major accounts, XXX, one of the three biggest automobile manufacture in china and  XXX airline, and last year I also worked on XXX tourism board.

V.. SO what will you do after your graduation?

M. I will definitely come back. I will seek a GAD position in XXX such as …… I love advertising you need strong local knowledge to succeed in the advertising world. Currently those position in those firms are most taken by HK, Taiwanese and oversea Chinese with north American degree. They got global pay. (V.O is nodding and smile ).

You know you can live really a decent life with the global pay. (V.O) Smiled again.

More over , coming back to china I can jump to a position that I can make decision , for me that is a big incentive .

V.O (looking at my I-20): that is a lot of money. How much is your salary?

Me; My annual income is around XXXXXX..

她正要说下去, 我马上说:yeah, a big investment but a good investment. Beside I have money, I have been working for over 6 years, and besides My full time job I also working for  Top business school as a freelancer?

Me: freelancer? Really?

Me. Yeah, you want to take a look at my certificate letter from my company and the business school? (Handing over the two letters)

V. Yes

Me,: here is my tax proof. (handing my tax proof)

V.O :looking them very carefully?; Oh how do u find XXX ( the name of the business school)?(she seems know about the b-school)

Me. The professor who write this letter use to be the president of CEIBS before he worked for XXXX. He was looking for some one who have connection in China One of his friends, a Spanish guy in china recommend me. Cause I have quite some connection China. So I am able to organize visits to different types SOEs JVs for their program….

V.O. ok.. Miss, I (VO头转开,将签证收费单递出来 没有对准microphone,所以没有听清.但我感觉我已经拿到了。突然, V.O又说: “wait a min.”我的心一紧, 然后她递出一本书“留学美国准备"。

Me: :Thank you

然后去11号窗等签证, 这时才意识到, VO根本没问如何支付学费和也没要求看存款证明和存单。想想自己为了资金可是精心准备了很久啊,结果却没问。后来想想, DS157填错也许是好事, 让我遇到这位水车VO,她根本没有challenge 我。真是个大水车。

感觉, mock interview完全和现场不同,  自己的回答愈来愈顺, 后面所什么因为我有strong connection in china,这个Top b-school 才雇佣我, 也是临场发挥, 可能阵是肾上腺素的作用, 呵呵。其实放松很重要, 现在悔过头看, 签证没有想象的那么恐怖, 等待的时间才是最煎熬的, 一旦interview开始, 你完全没有时间想那么多,尽量放开...


最后要感谢爸妈, 一直为我担心, 不仅细致照顾我的生活, 还要安慰鼓励我;

Gavin, Marianne, Bill, Tomas 的certificate letter 和鼓励, 尽管他们根本不懂中文,更不会来CD,但我还要在这里表达谢意。

谢谢Jim 给我做mock interview, 还不停的给我打气, 我也要祝你签证顺利, 我相信你一定会拿到签证的。。。还有  Romona,和我go throught 所有的questions 不停鼓励, 签证前一天晚上还打电话鼓励。。

EAVIN,把材料在最后一刻送来, 一直支持我..

最后,还要 谢谢CD上所有祝福我的人,你们的祝福贴给我带来了好运。

希望我的签经对大家有帮助, 最后,祝所有XDJM1000而过






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