首先感谢之前所有小伙伴的分享,三道题都是之前 CD 上有人提到的题。
- What does the year look like after you graduate from your Master's program here at the Rady School of Management in terms of your career? What companies, functions, jobs, or industries interest you the most?
- 从 1 数到 100 万那道题。
- Please describe your training in mathematics, statistics, and coding. What classes have you taken, either at your university or online. Feel free to include any additional experience in this area you may have, such as projects, work experience, or internships.
申请 timeline:
- 11.09 递交
- 11.19 kira
- 11.23 提交面试
- 12.03 收到 nomination offer(听说他们感恩节放假,老师又罢工,所以可能比之前进度慢一点)
BG:双非一本(非双一流非中外合办)gpa(4.16/5.0 wes 后 3.96/4.0)雅思 7.5(6.5)gre 322(155 + 167 + 3.5)四段实习(三中一华里面两段,四大咨询一段,数据分析一段)三段科研(哥大教授一段 校内教授两段)论文一作四篇(分别发表在 CPCI/EI/CSSCI上)省级大创项目 国家奖学金 商赛奖项若干 证书若干 课外活动若干
这是申请季第一个 offer,也祝大家都 offer 多多!