
[已录] McMaster DeGroote MBA 2023 Fall R1 面经 [2022.10.31]

[日期:2022-11-29] 来源:ChaseDream论坛 作者:haohaohyuk [字体: ]

在 CD 看到了很多小伙伴的分享,非常感谢大家!所以也来分享一下申请的过程顺便求一波好运!!!

首先,我的大致 timeline(R1 截止日期是 10.12):

  • 10.07 提交申请并完成 KIRA(今年好像和之前都不太一样,今年是 start application 之后 KIRA 的链接就会先发到邮箱,但是好像也没提多久时间内必须完成)
  • 10.25 Zoom 面试邀请(发面试的邮件很可能被归类到广告里,要注意查收)
  • 10.31 完成二面

正在等待 decision 中,求好运!!

其中,Kira 面试的题目如下:

  1. Please share with us a little bit more detail as it relates to your career aspirations and tell us why the DeGroote MBA is the next step on your career journey.
  2. What skills and capabilities do you believe are most important in a leader.Please describe for us a time that you have demonstrated these qualities. This can be from lived experiences, volunteer or extracurricular activities or academic commitments.
  3. Describe a recent example where you attempted to get conflicting parties working together toward a common objective. What did you do? What were the outcomes?
  4. Share at least two examples of your involvement in community activities. What were the circumstances, what did you do and why? What were the outcomes and lessons learned?

Written Essay:Describe a project that was implemented successfully primarily because of your efforts.

问题每个 1 分半准备时间,2 分钟回答时间;写作一共 8 分钟。

Kira 的题目我是看了很多历年麦马的面经然后整理了一波常考的题目,大约一共 20 个左右,然后每个都按 STAR 方法写了然后背了下来(这个题库应该可以和二面通用,所以背了不亏) 关于 Q4,其实我只准备了一个答案,回答的时候把一个例子说完就没时间了,建议大家多准备 2 个例子。

PS.Kira 的问题是放视频的形式,那个时候问题也会同步显示在屏幕上,这个时候网页的摄像头是不开的!!所以大家可以好好把握这个放视频的时间! 还有写作的时候摄像头也是不开的!可以提前准备一下。


  1. Where do you see yourself in 3-5 years?How could Degroote help?
  2. What would you do if you're a new project leader?
  3. A time when you worked as a team member.
  4. A problem you had in work or study, how did you solve it?
  5. Anything new/innovation you do in your work?
  6. Talk about an experience you worked very hard but failed at the end. What did you learn from it?
  7. What would you do if your co-worker is not deliverable?
  8. How would you prepare your coop regarding your career goal?
  9. Examples of analyzing information and give conclusion.
  10. Any questions.


  1. 我们是必须在学校合作的公司里找 coop 还是可以自己 linkedin 上找?——可以在 LinkedIn 上找,但是建议投之前先和 CPD 讨论一下,因为有些 coop 是针对大学生的
  2. 关于我今天的面试表现有没有什么建议——他 blabla 先夸了我一顿,然后建议我现在就可以开始学习 networking 和提前了解我喜欢的职位需要的 skills.
  3. 啥时候能知道录取结果——一般是 4-6 周,应该 11 月底前会告诉结果。

面试我的人应该是是 CPD 的一个老师,我提前在 LInkedin 上了解了一下他的背景(小 tips,选面试时间的时候其实不会告诉你面试官是谁,但是你可以提前进 zoom 的链接,会显示是XXX的房间,去搜那个人就行了)。

很奇怪的是居然连 introduction 都没要我做,上来就直接开问了。面试官会记录每个问题你的回答(谈到 failure 的时候因为我引用了一句句子,他最后还特意问了我一遍那句句子是啥) 总的来说 CD 的小伙伴们分享的题型一经很全面了,麦马的题型还是挺稳定的。

最最后就是我面完后在学校网站找到了面试官的邮箱,然后发了一个 thank you email,他回复的巨快,3 分钟就回了,然后说希望可以明年在学校 in person 见到我。





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