前几天面了 GE,分享面经攒攒人品。由于前面技术故障拖了时间,比原定时间迟了半小时开始,期间可以在 waiting room 和 student ambassador 闲聊天。最终面了 25 min + 提问 5min,两位面试官分别为 phd(?没听错的话)和 GE 的 program director,人都挺严肃的。
- Self-introduce.
- Why HEC/GE is the best fit?
- What classes to waive in M1? Exactly the same as those taught in China?
- If you could join any company in gap year, which one?
- Leadership experience/how to deal with someone who didn’t do well?
- Usual position in a team/why automatically became a leader?
- How to define success?
- Values.
- Mentioned many interested things, what’s the most passionate about?
- Why France?
- Books recently read? Only Asian books?
能想起来的暂时是这些。Follow-up questions 很多,也有完全没准备的形而上话题,就纯纯 free style 瞎聊了。 在 waiting room 里看到了好几个中国小伙伴,欢迎交流!