- Top three factors contributed to your decision to apply for a seat in this program.
- 为啥来 Questrom,如何帮助你实现你短期计划?
- 你最想给你朋友推荐的你家乡的什么?
- 一种 meal 代表家乡/国家文化。
- Please give an example of a time when you assembled a team. How did you put together the team, and how did it work out?
- What's your most meaningful team project and why?
- Describe when you had to analyze a problem to arrive at a solution. What steps did you take, and how did your analysis help you to deal with the situation?
- Tell me about a time when you had a different opinion from your team member's. What did you do, and what was the outcome?
- 你担任 leader 的 club/organization 以及 what did you learn from it?
- Talk about a time where you worked as a member of a team and what skills did you bring to the team?
- Describe a time when your involvement changed the process or the outcome of that project. What did you contribute and why it was successful?
- What three traits of all successful team. Why these traits are important?
- Please tell me about a time when you engaged others in a discussion to share ideas. How did you engage others, and what was the outcome of the discussion?
- Please tell me about a time when you were faced with a significant challenge at work or school/ extra-curricular activity or internship. What was your response to the challenge, and what was the outcome?
- Tell me about an activity or internship that you worked so hard. What is the outcome?
- Most meaningful professional accomplishment.
- Please describe a time when you were asked to do something differently or use a unique approach to help achieve an objective of some sort. How did you adjust to doing this differently, and what was the outcome?
【Important Person】
- The most influential people to you and why?
- 对你最重要的 compliment 赞扬是?来自谁的?为什么?
- Who do you admire and why?
【Personal Life】
- What make you happy and why?
- 你最 passionate about的是什么?why?
- 你 afternoon free 的时候会干嘛
- What is your favorite website, and why?
- Favorite travel destination and why?
- What do you want to introduce to your classmates and why?
- 你想 build 一个什么 company and why?
- 如果你有 one million 美元你会怎么做?
- 如果你可以 make a change to the world,你会做什么?
- 如果你的公司做了 against the law, what will you do and why?
- 最喜欢的课程,如何帮助你//本科期间对你帮助最大的一门课程,为什么?
- 你希望你能 better at doing what?
- Which movie character do you want to be and why?
- 最想参加的电视节目?为什么?
- What's the best gift that you've received? Why?
- How could your best friend describe your personality?
- Which history event do you want to witness?
- What does it mean to be successful? Why?
- How your background can influence your experience in a graduate study?
- What concepts you learned from prior courses could help you in the MSBA program?
- Tell me about an extra-curricular activity or internship you have done that aligns with your desire to obtain a MSBA degree.
【at graduate school】
如果在 graduate school 只能学 one skill,你想学什么,why? 在 graduate school 要做什么 volunteer?
- If you could have any job in the world, what would it be and why?
- 选一个地方居住,选哪里,为什么?
- 最想提高自己哪个方面?
- 三个词形容你自己?
- Who is someone you admire and why?
- Tell me about a time you worked hard to accomplish a task for an internship or extracurricular activity. Why was this experience meaningful to you?