背景:北二外市场营销本科;雅思 7;GPA 3.36;GMAT 690;市场调研公司销售岗实习、业务尽调项目 PTA、互联网商业化部门实习 & 无关紧要的兼职经历
- 03.08 提交申请并收到面试邀约
- 03.18 面试
- 03.29 offer
IE 相关
IE 评估会对教育背景、标化成绩、职业经历、社会活动、国际化经历、面试表现进行综合考量。IE滚动录取,一直到开学前几周都可以申请。
我 21 年 10 月底找中介申请了英国学校,所以一些标化成绩的材料和个人资料文件之前都准备过了。
- GMAT/GRE 是硬性要求,没考可以预约 IE 自己的入学考试
- 除了 personal essay,还有一个 kira 的视频面试(一共 3 个问题,两个视频回答,时限一分钟;一个写作回答,时限五分钟)
下面是我搜集整理的一些 IE 面试问题:(*为必问或大概率会问)
- *自我介绍:Walk me through your resume/ Tell me who you are in one sentence./ tell me something not covered in your resume.
- *动机:Why Spain, why IE, why 专业?
- *职业规划 Short-term & long-term career goal.
- *对 IE 的贡献 contribution/qualities you can bring to your classmates.
- 选校 plan b,还申请了什么学校?
- 国际化背景 What's your international background?
- 推荐人:怎么选择的推荐人/推荐人会怎么说你的优缺点?
- 自我认知:你认为你的申请的缺点是什么?
- *领导力:领导力举例/在领导方面的优缺点,Tell me about one instance when you disagreed with your boss and how you handled the situation/What do you think are the core qualities of a team player?/When you have multiple tasks due at the same time, what strategies do you use to ensure that all tasks are completed on time?/失败与弥补。
- *前期了解:想通过课程提升哪些技能?
- If you could meet anyone, dead or alive, who would you meet?
- People are motivated by altruism than self-interest. Do you agree or disagree? Why?
- Is a picture worth a thousand words?
- It's hard to tell. Pictures and words function differently. Pictures convey more precise information while words are charming for they leave room for imagination.
- *What are the biggest challenges in the industry you want to get into?/Problem you discover 在 big data 运用方面
- Explain machine learning . Give me an example of application in machine learning in real life.
- Explain artificial intelligence, how will you explain it to the older in 80 years old?
- Explain digital transformation.
- 99 除以 2 得多少?
- 想象我是一个 7 岁小孩,你要怎么给我解释股票市场的运作?
- 如果说一个公司 low liquidity,是什么意思?
- 什么是 entrepreneur?/Tell me about a company that shows entrepreneurial spirit.
- 12 乘 12 减去 10 等于多少?
- 你现在身边的东西,随便拿一个,想办法卖给我,你会怎么做?
- 你能给我讲一下 globalization 的利与弊吗?
- 给我讲一个最近在世界上发生的事情,拜托不要给我讲新冠肺炎,讲点别的
- What significant challenges are businesses facing at the moment?
- What are the key elements of a good marketing plan?
- *反问 What question should we have put in the application and why?
我的面试 25 分钟就结束了。只有一位面试官,叫 Eugenia Bollmann,非常友好,氛围和聊天一样。
面试后两周内出结果,我是在面试后第 11 天拿到 offer 的,祝大家都能拿到想要的 offer!