
[已录] UW-Madison MSBA 面经 [2022.02.26]

[日期:2022-03-16] 来源:ChaseDream论坛 作者:smhe1999 [字体: ]



  • 02.01 submit
  • 02.03 spark invitation
  • 02.26 spark
  • 03.12 offer

02.03 接到 invitation 尝试进链接打不开,摆烂直到02.18,学校发了邮件来催("If your interview is not complete in the next 48 hours, we will assume you are no longer interested in our program")垂死病中惊坐起,半夜来 CD 搜面经准备,点进链接测试设备,嗯?又收到个邮件说我 successfully accept 了,在 02.26 之前完成。

整体感受良好,one-way interview,题干基本不变,背好了说就完事儿了。

Firefox,5 个问题,30 秒思考,2 分钟回答。貌似说的时候题干不会出现,所以要记得问了什么问题。 不管是 kira 还是 spark 我都一次过的不敢断网重录,孩子比较怂怕出什么问题。Spark 开始前会帮你测试设备是否 OK,这一点很贴心。

  1. Introduce yourself and why MSBA in wisc /Why UWM MsBA?
  2. Three skills you have possessed, which can help you study MSBA/ skills that you have prepared for your future career as analyst?
  3. A time you take an initiative to solve a problem and how you gather support for the solution?
  4. A situation you analyze information and give a recommendation. What is the thought process?/How you make are commendation based on information you've gathered.
  5. A new skill you have learnt recently? How did you teach yourself? What is the result?/Describe the process of recently learning a new skill?

就是这 5 个问题啦!太良心了只能说,不过以防万一还是把 CD 上的面经都看了一遍,孩子是真的很怂。

  1. 介绍自己和 why school?时间一半一半
  2. Three skills 说的是 data analysis ability, business knowledge and communication skills.
  3. 说的是建模比赛的经历。
  4. 说的是另一次建模的经历。
  5. 寒假自学编程。

寝室很小,盘腿坐在床上录的,上半身白衬衫下半身睡裤是什么鬼!录第五个问题的时候说着说着说 high 了腿把小桌子顶翻了。





打印 | 录入:steven


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