
哥大 MSBA 面经 & 答案总结 [2022.02.11]

[日期:2022-02-17] 来源:ChaseDream论坛 作者:王Tyler [字体: ]


  1. [About me] [5]Tell us something that is not on your application/resume and is most interesting.
    The most interesting thing I not mention in my resume is that I have piano playing experience for about 10 years and three years of orchestra horn player experience,and I also considered to become an professional pianist before I entered the university.However,even I chose to be a student of economic major and want to join financial industry after graduation from the MSBA program,years of instrument study have allowed me to improve my systematic analytical skills of musical scores and put it into the work of industry analyst.For real,it helps me a lot.
  2. [About me][1] What are your hobbies and interests?
    I am curious about new things, especially places I have never been to. Therefore, I enjoy every moment when I am traveling. Two weeks after I became an adult in 2018, I applied for a visa and went to Hong Kong for half a month by myself, where I felt a completely different way of life,eating habit and urban culture from mainland.Now,I wish I can have the chance to enjoy the MSBA program of your school and explore the life style of New York City and Manhattan District,Times Square .
  3. [About me] [1]Tell us about a recent movie that you saw, or a recent book that you read.
    Value,is a book written by Zhang lei, the founder of Hill house Capital.It’s a book about value investment and the idea generated during Mr.Zhang’s investment.The reason why I want to read this book is that during my personal investment process,I felt the charm of long-term investment and became a big fan of value investment cuz there is nothing gives me a greater sense of accomplishment than finding a company that is undervalued by the market.
  4. [About me] [1].What course has had the largest impact on you in your academic career?
    From my personal perspective,the most meaningful course I learned is the Econometric,it is a course about using the model to solve the data generate during the business activities and figure out the influence of them.And these models,like Black Schools model play such an essential role in financial market that futures’ prices are come from it.And thanks to this course,I felt the necessity and meaning of business analytics,and determined to make deeper and more comprehensive understanding of this industry.
  5. [Why me: skill set + experience] [3]What makes you unique?/Why should we consider you for our program instead of several other equally qualified candidates?
  6. [Why BA: demand + work-life pattern] [2]What has motivated you to pursue this academic field?
    The very reason why you should consider me (第六题:I pursue this academic field) is that I have strong aspiration to enter the business analytics industry and have a clear career plan which I practice it down-to-earth.For instance,as a business school student,if I want to become a business analyst,I should improve my programming skills,so during my sophomore and junior year,I chose many courses like SQL database.Besides,To become an outstanding analyst in second market,I also have a clear internship plan.when I chose the internship,I become an assistant auditor at the very beginning and after I have had a deep understanding of financial statement,I entered the securities company and analyzed the building material industry as an assistant analyst.So after I viewing the program,I think this prestigious program can assist me in every aspects to become an successful analyst.
  7. [Why program: curriculum + alumni network + city] [3]What do you hope to gain from this program?
    Comprehensive business analysis capabilities, a platform to provide high-quality resources, and outstanding alumni are three very elements that I consider I will gain from this program.First,jointly resourced by the IEOR department and the business school, This project will provide me with a diverse curriculum. Knowledge such as stochastic models can provide me with the necessary competencies in quant research.Besides,the Career placement service will expose much more working opportunities to me.And the outstanding alumni can expand my network circle and we can assist each other to achieve our career goals.
  8. [Why city; film/TV/novel + diversity + landmark] [2]How do you feel about NYC?
    I have never been to NYC before,but by watching movies and vlogs like the Wolf of Wall Street,I can feel the prosperity and diversity in New York.And via linkedin and other job searching sites,I also find out that there are a large quantitative of opportunities,especially financial industry.So with the dream to enter the financial market,NYC and wall street is a fascinating place to me.
  9. [经验:时间管理] [1]What is your approach to managing important projects?/[1]Tell us about a time you had a number of assignments due. How did you make sure you completed all of them on time and did a good job?
    I apply first principle in every projects and planning process.After I have the first impression of all projects’ inner requirement,difficulties and time they need.I will finish work in order from the most challenging to easiest and handle time-spending project.Besides,to achieve high quality,I’m used to remain about one week to review all projects and modify what I am not satisfied with.In addition,I like to ask professors to solve problems efficiently and correctly.
  10. [经验:学习管理] [2]Tell us about a time when you took the initiative to set goals and objectives even though you were not prompted or directed by others to do so.
    I have already signed up the CFA Level I in May this year which I took the initiative to set goals. To be honest,after the high school,every study plan and internship I have done was asked by myself since I have a clear mind about becoming an outstanding financial practitioner.So is this test,as a student economics student,compare to those people major in finance,I need to hone my financial skills,therefore,after finished my GRE test,I begun preparing the CFA immediately.
  11. [经验:压力管理] [1]Can you tell us about a stressful situation? Why was it stressful? How did you manage your stress?/[2]Describe an obstacle you overcome.
    One stressful situation is the third time I took GRE test which is also the last.Since I have failed twice,the third try is the last chance to achieve the goal.At that time,I was so stressful that I even couldn’t read the book. After I knowing the situation,I chose to get out from this vicious circle through fitness and trip.And after three days of positive attitude adjustment,I get out from bad mood,and finally I performed well in the test.And I think when I face obstacles in the future,the best thing I should do is to solve the bad mood rather than keep myself in this circle around and around.
  12. [经验:解决困难] [2]Can you tell us about a time that you were given negative feedback on a project? How did you handle the critique?/[1]讲一个有意义的实习经历。/[2]Describe an obstacle you overcome.
  13. [经验:Leadership] [2]Tell us about a time when you took charge of a meeting. How were the results of your actions?/[1]Can you tell us about your most successful group or team project? Why successful?/[1]Tell us about a time you assumed a leadership role.
  14. [规划] [1]What is the riskiest decision you have ever made?
  15. [规划] [1]5 years plan.
  16. [规划] [2]What would your life become if your academic/professional career is unrelated to business or engineering?
  17. [规划] [1]What would you say is an area in which you need improvement?
  18. [规划] [1] Let's say you found a lottery ticket that ends up winning 10 million, what would you do?
  19. [价值观] [2]Define Success.
  20. [价值观] [1]成功的学生需要具备什么品质?
  21. [价值观] [1]Who is your role model?/[1]If you could have dinner with someone(living or dead), who would that persona be?
  22. [Interpersonal] [3]Attributes of a good professor/Describe what you look for in a good teacher.
  23. [Interpersonal][1]What would your previous teachers or boss say you excelled most at?
  24. [Interpersonal] How would your peer describe your characteristic?
  25. [Interpersonal][1]和你的 mentor 或者 professor 聊,你学到了什么?
  26. [Interpersonal][1]Tell us a time when you made a successful recommendation.




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