
ESSEC GE R2 面经 [2022.02.04]

[日期:2022-02-15] 来源:ChaseDream论坛 作者:岚岚leria [字体: ]

2022.02.04 18:00 (CET 11:00)

是今年 R2 的第一天面试,和另外一个朋友复盘发现我们那组面试官风格似乎确实比较 career goal 导向,因为在 Motivation Letter 里提到了对 sustainable consumption 的兴趣所以面试官问了很多未来打算从业领域相关的问题。

的确 ESSEC 的面试风格很 flexible,也很难预知会问什么。之前准备的重点都更偏向个人经历 & self-awareness 之类的,没想到最后客观地聊了很多行业领域的问题,之前写文书的时候看了很多相关行业的咨询但是忘记复习了呃呃,很多也是我想到什么就回答的,面试完复盘总结又去看了很多文章觉得可以说的更 organized 以及抓住机会再体现一些 industry insights.后来几天的面经都还比较正常了很多都是个人相关的常规问题。总之建议大家这块还是多多重视,因为永远无法预知面试官会对哪一块感兴趣,只能 finger crossed 希望有好结果。

CD 论坛上可持续领域相关的专业和话题也比较少,把这个面经分享出来给大家参考下,希望关于这个板块的内容越来越多

What is sustainable mkt?

  1. Is there any sustainable brands u know?
  2. Is there a difference between promotion and marketing?
  3. Do you know Oxfam? (second-hand clothes dealing platform) How do u view the relationship between secondhand deal platform and sustainable fashion brands ? Is there a competition?
  4. Do Chinese market ready for secondhand clothes dealing?
  5. U seem passionate and have entrepreneur spirit. why don’t u directly create such a platform?
  6. How do you view fast fashion brand like HM making their sustainable move? Do they genially care for environment or just want to sell more clothes?
  7. Do u think everyone can be educated with SD consumption?
  8. Some big company want to remain market share and not to change for sustainable development while small companies might find it hard to gain a market share. How do u view this?

以下是一些个人 Essay 相关问题:

  1. How do you find your volunteer in Dubai Expo?
  2. What's the situation about LGBTQ community in China?Is there any change?
  3. People might have the stereotype about Chinese students of being close and traditional.Are Chinese young people open-minded enough to talk and participate such activities?
  4. Have u applied other programs?
  5. Any other question u have about us?
    我问了几位校友有什么是他们加入 ESSEC community 意想不到的事:几乎都回答了校友之间的 connection 很好,各行业都有 involve 很热心 & helpful ;一个 officer 说,学校其实不大,校区在 village 所以 it's a small school but big family.
    问了一个做 recyclable material in construction 的校友他怎么 develop his passion for his career & 如何转行的?




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