
Cornell AEM 2022 最新面试总结 [2022.02.09]

[日期:2022-02-15] 来源:ChaseDream论坛 作者:Nicole喵喵 [字体: ]

刚刚面试完 Cornell SPM AEM,回馈 CD,把整理的最新面经发上来给大家分享一下,也有一些面试小技巧啥的。楼主准备的有些晚了申的 round 3,给还没面试和明年的小伙伴一下参考吧。

读完题立刻开始 3min 回答,无准备时间,但是不点 play question 可以准备,可以提前 stop.


  1. What is your full name and any nicknames you prefer?
  2. What is your short term and long-term career plan? / What are your career interests? Both in the short-term and in the long-term.
  3. Describe a working or learning experience in a culturally diversified background or international environment.



  1. 为什么来康奈尔/为什么选 mps 项目,什么吸引你来申请这个项目/How do you first know this program? What attracts you most in this program?
  2. 你有什么优势能让这个项目录取你?
  3. (Why) good time to pursue master’s degree./ How will this program develop your capability?/ Why graduate degree?/ graduate study 怎么符合你的长远规划?/读 graduate 对你职业的帮助?
  4. MPS 项目最想上的课。


  1. Favorite teacher or professor and how they impact your positivity?(积极性)
  2. 你本科的学习怎样 prepare 你进入 graduate study?
  3. 本科期间最骄傲的经历/本科经历 What is your proudest assignment/project at university? / achievement or activity outside classroom that you are most proud of?
  4. 本科最喜欢或者最不喜欢的课。
  5. Setback experience.
  6. Talented at a skill.
  7. Closest friend describes you/ what would your closest friends say about you?
  8. 在外国学习工作的经历?
  9. 本科学校怎么样/介绍本科学校?
  10. What is your role in your internship experiences and how do they prepare you for your graduate study/future development? 你在 Internship 中学到了什么?How this experience impacted your master study?


  1. 想学什么技能?choose to talent a skill and why?/如果你有一个极其擅长的技能,你希望是什么?/想提升的技能?
  2. After graduation, work in US or internationally?


  1. Do you prefer to work individually or as part of a team? Please explain.
  2. 介绍自己的出生地和住处。
  3. 如果被录取,你会怎么认识你的同学/如何向班里其他同学介绍自己 If get accepted by this program, how to introduce yourself to the schoolmates?)
  4. What type of reading do you like and the type of book that you read recently?/ what type of things you enjoy reading and what are some examples of things you are read recently?
  5. Would you choose to stay in an amusement park, professional sport event or museum?
  6. What is your favorite movie and why?
  7. If you could go anywhere/ countries in the world, where would you stay for 1-week holiday?
  8. Hobbies and how often do you do them?
  9. Favorite restaurant and why?
  10. What did you do for fun or to relax last weekend?
  11. Describe best friend,你怎么描述她?




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