
NTU MSC ACCT Kira 面经 [2022.02.05]

[日期:2022-02-11] 来源:ChaseDream论坛 作者:WKSQ [字体: ]

刚做完 vi,遇到了:

  1. Unexpected change.
  2. Tell me a time when you led a team of people that have different personalities.
  3. What is the most important goal you hope to achieve by completing the Master’s program at Nanyang Technological University? Why?

面试之前我对 CD 上大多数面经进行了总和跟分类

  1. An unexpected change:
    ? Please tell me about a time when you experienced an unexpected change in your school or at work. How did this make you feel and what did you do?
    ? 你如何适应a big change?

  2. Align your team.(How did you align your team towards the objective or goal? What is the outcome? )
    ? Tell me a time when you led a team of people that have different personalities.
    ? 队员们不能 collaborate well.
    ? Individuals struggled to gain consensus on an approach to a difficult problem or task. 协调不同意见。
    ? Tell me a time when you led a team of people that do not share common goals. How did you align your team towards the objective or goal? What is the outcome?
    ? You lead a demanding project.
    ? A project with demanding ddl.
    ? 你参加一个 cross-functional 的 project,有些队友不能 aligned.
    ? 描述一次你如何让没有动力或没有兴趣的人去做一件事。
    ? Talk about a time when you step up and take a heavier responsibility in a team. What did you do and what's the outcome?

  3. Unable to complete a task. ? Please tell me about a time when you were unable to complete a very important project by the deadline. How did this make you feel and what did you do?
    ? Please tell me about a time when you were put outside of your comfort zone at school or work. How did this make you feel and what did you do?
    ? Difficult task at school or work, how do you feel and what did you do.
    ? Please tell me about a time when you received a grade on a project or an essay that you felt was lower than you deserved. How did this make you feel and what did you do?
    ? Talk about an experience that you receive negative critical feedback on your project. how you feel and what you do?
    ? 当你做了一个不成功的项目你咋整?
  4. Why?
    ? Why this program/Why NTU/这个项目能为你的 career 带来什么?
    ? 你觉得我们项目的特别之处 compared to similar programs?
    ? How does a master's degree from NTU fit into your 5- or 10-year career plan?
    ? What is the most important goal you hope to achieve by completing the Master’s program at Nanyang Technological University? Why?
    ? What is the most important skill(s) you hope to develop in a Master’s program at NTU? Why this skill in particular?
    ? Why Singapore

  5. Other:
    ? 学业和职业生涯有没有做过什么重大的决定?有什么感受?怎么做及结果?
    ? 问某个你学术上的项目和你的计划预期项目不同的时候,how did you feel, and what did you do?


  1. 两道口语(45 秒准备时间,2 分钟答题)(我的口语稿子都是 120 左右的字,全部说完不卡壳大概 1min 10s,然后自己又胡编了 20s 差不多 1min 30s)
  2. 一道写作(5 分钟答题,时间很紧!不能复制粘贴)(我准备了 120 字的稿子,全程照着稿子打字,最后好像只写了 80 字,冬天的时候大家一定要注意保暖,防止手冻僵)
  3. 口语题目,有文字版的问题,不担心听不懂。
  4. 抽到题目后有一些准备时间,然后才开始作答。
  5. 要练打字速度,写稿子,练习流利地讲出来
  6. 网站很卡,建议大家不要踩线做!
  7. 和之前看到的有一点细微的不同,但是还是可以变体的!
  8. 有 lz 认为比较重要的是流利度;Kira 面试只要能流利地且切题地回答都能通过。




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