
CWRU Kira 面经 [2022.01.28]

[日期:2022-01-30] 来源:ChaseDream论坛 作者:Zincq [字体: ]

01.28 DDL,今天踩着时间线录的 kira,趁着记忆新鲜发一下题目攒 RP,希望大家申请季顺利拿梦校 offer!


  1. Introduction of yourself. What else do you want us to learn from you outside your application?1m+2ms
  2. Writing 8min:
    Why case? what interests in Weather head? how Weather head help you achieve your career goal? how to enrich the learning environment in Weather head?
  3. Share us other programs and schools you applied, reason? 45s+90s


  1. Describe a time when you recognized an opportunity to improve your team's performance. Please tell us how priorities were set, and how you ensured a quality outcome.
  2. Describe a problem you had to analyze. What steps did you take to analyze the problem in order to address the critical issues? What was the solution?
  3. Please describe an unforeseen problem or difficulty you have faced in the past.How did you go about solving a problem that you weren't anticipating?
  4. Tell me about a time when you were working with a group of people who had very different opinions. How did you manage this, and what did you learn?
  5. You had unlimited time, what would you devote yourself to, other than school or work?(这题好像也算是固定题,类似的题目有:除了学习工作,还喜欢做什么?)




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