
哥大 ERM Video Essay [2022.01.14]

[日期:2022-01-28] 来源:ChaseDream论坛 作者:Zhhhhhhhh [字体: ]

我是约等于卡 ddl 01.14 提交的,想着第二天生日能不能搞点简单的题目,哥大用的系统不太一样,不是 kira,是另外一个自带的,网速比 kira 更拉跨一点点,但是还好家里用的是电信网络,跑的也很快,就是录完之后会直接在 video essay 那里加载出视频且滚动播放非常羞耻。



哥大的题库真的多到可怕,我之前整理了三四十都没碰到一个,就套用了 difficult course 的语料:

  1. 大学教育中认为最棒的部分是什么?你本科阶段(印象最深/获益最大)的一门课程是什么?
  2. What is your research interest?
  3. What is an important celebration in your family?
  4. How would you like to change the world?
  5. How do you handle peer pressure?
  6. 介绍一个你 hometown 最 popular 的地方?为什么 popular?
  7. Do you use emojis or emotions during communications? Why? What’s your favorite emoji?
  8. What moral dilemma you faced recently?
  9. 团队合作的活动以及遇到的挑战。
  10. How do you motivate yourself when you are assigned a task?
  11. How do you get news?
  12. How do you get more information about an interesting topic? How do you explore an interesting topic?
  13. What is the worst advice you have ever received?
  14. Describe your ideal work environment
  15. What is your dream job? How can you see you in yourself career path?
  16. 对于一个非常重要的 speech or TED,你会讲述什么? 你最喜欢的 technology 是什么?
  17. 你在团队竞赛还是个人比赛中 perform better?
  18. What is your favorite movie and why? 你最喜欢的小说人物是谁?为什么?
  19. 你觉得自己是内向还是外向?why?
  20. What do you see yourself in ten years?
  21. What is the relationship between career success and education?
  22. What is your view of class participation?
  23. How do you conclude whether you agree or disagree with an idea?
  24. How do you spend $100,000?
  25. How would you feel if you spend one day without cell phone? One week?
  26. Tell me about your biggest weakness?
  27. 如果你能改变自己的一个地方,你会改变什么?
  28. What are your three greatest strengths?
  29. 如果你可以给年轻的你建议,你会给什么?
  30. How you test the limit of your knowledge?
  31. 在你的决策中,你经历的最大的 risk 是什么?
  32. 你如何定义成功?
  33. Why this program?
  34. 描述一个你最棒的 holiday 或 vacation.
  35. 你谈判的过程与结果。
  36. 你在博物馆见到的最有意思的事情是什么?
  37. Talk about a conversation that is important to you.
  38. Are you an optimist, pessimist, or realist?What does that mean for your daily life?
  39. Should standard examinations be eliminated from undergraduate and graduate admissions?


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