
Brock MBA 面经 [2021.12.09]

[日期:2021-12-20] 来源:ChaseDream论坛 作者:书书书 [字体: ]

参加面试时间:2021.12.09 北京时间凌晨 2 点左右学校反馈时间:2021.12.09

结果:面试完的当天下午,收到了学校的邮件,学校希望我上前置课程,因为我的写作只写了不到 100 个词。


  1. Introduce yourself.
  2. Why brock?这个项目最吸引你的是什么? Why Goodman? Why Canada?Why MBA?Why are you interested in the Goodman School of Business? Why do you believe that Brock University in Canada is a good fit you?
  3. Tell me your advantages to convince me to accept you to Brock MBA program.
  4. Could you talk about your hometown and family? What are your parents do?
  5. How do you know about Brock University? How you apply for the MBA(ISP)?
  6. What do you expect to learn besides from school?


  1. 如何理解 Goodman 商学院"global awareness"的重要性。
  2. 你和来自不同国家的人一起学习或工作的一段时间。通过这些互动,你能学到了什么?
  3. If a group of students move to another country, they only interact with the student among at the group. What advices would you give them?
  4. What is the best advice you’ve ever received? What is the worst advice you’ve ever received?
  5. What do you think is the reason students who travel abroad only form relationships with the people from the same country? Do you think it is negative or positive?
  6. 在国外很难交朋友,为什么困难,原因是什么?


  1. 介绍自己的学术背景,最喜欢的课程是什么?
  2. If you could do your undergraduate studies again, would you do the same things you did? If not, what would you like to change?(or Your failure)你最想改变 education background 的什么?
  3. What do you think are the best and most challenging aspects of coming to study in Brock next year?
  4. 说说你的本科教育经历,当时最有挑战的一件事是什么?
  5. How your undergraduate major related to the MBA(ISP) at Brock?
  6. What encourages you to work hard and perform well academically? Do you think there are differences in what motivates you compared to what motivates your friends or classmates?
  7. 你认为 undergraduate 和 graduate 的学习最大的区别在哪里?
  8. 你从导师或者上司那里获得的最好的是什么?

Goal career:

  1. 你觉得硕士课程会如何帮助你未来的职业生涯,为什么?
  2. 想想你过去的工作经历。你最不喜欢的日常工作是什么,并且不想成为你未来职业生涯的一部分?Think about your past work experiences. What were the daily tasks that you enjoyed the least, and would not want to have as a part of your future career?
  3. 通过你的工作经历,你认为你最喜欢的一项工作,并且会在以后的工作中继续做的工作是什么?
  4. 你不想为什么样的公司工作?为什么?
  5. How can companies attract and retain their best talents?
  6. 未来想工作的 company.
  7. What future careers or fields attract you the most? Why?
  8. 毕业五年内的工作计划。
  9. What is your study plan and career plan if you can be admitted by MBA(ISP)?


  1. Graduate programs at Goodman require a substantial amount of group work. Tell me about a time when you were working with a group that wasn't functioning well together. What did you do, and what was the outcome?
  2. Leadership 的事情作为 leader 的经历,怎么做,outcome.
  3. 讲你曾经 stand up for sb or sth 的经历。


  1. What's your weakest area in English language? What strategy are you currently using to improve your English language proficiency?
  2. 是什么激励你在全英文环境中学习,目前你使用什么策略来提高你的英文水平?


  1. 能让人成功的三个办法。
  2. If you were to create a slogan for your life, what would you choose?
  3. Quote or saying that inspires you.
  4. How do you manage stress?


  1. How does social media change the business world in the next five to ten years?
  2. How do you think companies can maintain their reputation given the power of social media?
  3. How to keep work-life balance?
  4. How to handle unhappy customers.
  5. How to improve the loyalty.忠诚度。
  6. 企业如何提高盈利能力/公司如何保持和增加竞争力/面对持续的不确定性,企业如何获得成功?
  7. How to manage the resource in company?
  8. How do you think governments should address the lack of economic opportunity and employment for young adults?
  9. Balance Sheet 三要素及其含义,Income Statement 组成要素。
  10. If you have a power to change a problem in the world, what problem you will change? Why?
  11. 你做过的最困难的事情是什么?
  12. 10 年后你想以什么样的方式出名?(相当于 10 年后你想成为什么样的人)




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