
WUSTL Macc Kira 面经汇总 [2021.12.06]

[日期:2021-12-13] 来源:ChaseDream论坛 作者:鲫鱼蒸蛋 [字体: ]

基本上都是 CD 上出现过的原题!真的还是断网大法好用,我是看到题目之后就打开飞行模式,准备好了之后再连上网刷新界面,就能继续录啦。 我整理了一下看到的题目,大家有需要自取呀。

Part 1: personal questions

  1. Describe yourself with three words.
  2. The most meaningful gift you have received.
  3. 1 place in St.louis that you are excited to visit.
  4. An interesting thing about you that others may not know.
  5. Top 1 song in the play list.
  6. If you can have a super power, what will you choose and why?
  7. 给朋友做一道菜。
  8. 想和谁一起吃饭。

Part 2: programme questions

  1. Describe why you are a competitive candidate for our Master of Accounting programme.
  2. How do you believe will the Master of Accounting programme prepare you to be a valuable profession in the industry?
  3. How will your background contribute to your classmates and enhance their experience in Olin? (大概意思是这样)
  4. Do you want to enter any student club organisation in Olin.
  5. 这个专业有什么吸引你的地方?

Essay question:还是那个两个公司面试时间撞了,你要如何选择?

差不多就是这些啦,我自己面的时候两种 video question 基本是对半开的,大家最好都准备一下。 最后祝大家 offer 多多!




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