
Cornell MPS Accounting Video Essay 面经 [2021.11.14]

[日期:2021-11-25] 来源:ChaseDream论坛 作者:小乌鸡爪子 [字体: ]

写在前面 + 吐槽:我真的怎么说,录到最后我都快吐了,录了大概三四个小时,终于完了,大家加油。


1.题目数量:6 题。(我原来以为只有 4 道题,因为之前的面经大家都是4道,结果昨天做了一道还有一道,真的人要疯)


Cornell 录视频界面

1) emmm...怎么说呢,其实他是字幕 + 说话的方式来进行,所以只要你不点击那个 play question,你就可以一直不开始。并且你还可以模模糊糊地看到这个题目……所以就可以提前准备准备,这样心理压力也不会太大哦。 2) 如果遇到不会的题目,是可以刷新的,会变成另外一道题(在之后会说)

3.时长:每道题都是三分钟最长,建议可以录到 2 分半左右。


1) 第一题:应该都是 What is your full name and preferred nick name?
2) 第二题:应该都是 After graduation, do you want to work in U.S or international?
3) 第三题-第六题:从第三题开始就是随机出题了,我应该是刷新换了好多次题……你觉得你自己说的不好或者这个题目不太会,就可以刷新一下。感觉后面的题有点偏生活,比如问你喜欢的电影/喜欢的餐厅/喜欢的教授/你的兴趣爱好等等。


Cornell Video Essay

  1. What is your full name and preferred nick name?
  2. Short term and long term goal.
  3. Least favorite course and most favorite course.
  4. Introduce your undergraduate school.
  5. The most difficult assignment/the proudest thing (undergraduate阶段)/ Describe a project you worked on that you are the most proud of.
  6. Introduce the city that you are living in now.
  7. After graduation, do you want to work in U.S or international?
  8. Did you prefer teamwork or individual?
  9. How to get involved in the new community and know your classmates?
  10. Why Cornell, why mps (How do you know this program, and why you interested in it?
  11. Intern 和本科学习怎么帮助你进入和准备这个项目 (What course work have you done to prepare for your graduate study? 你有什么优势能让这个项目录取你?)
  12. Experience about taking a leadership role.
  13. Setback experience.
  14. Volunteer experience 以及和你的职业目标之间的关联。
  15. MPS 项目最想上的课——Preferred class or classes in Cornell?
  16. Favourite professor.
  17. What did you do for fun or relax, last weekend?
  18. Favorite movies.
  19. 如果你的 friends 介绍你,他们会说什么?
  20. Hobby.
  21. Favorite restaurant.
  22. 本科期间 Favorite class.
  23. 谁是你最好的朋友,你会怎么描述他?




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