
Cornell MPS in Management Video Essay 面经 [2021.04.19]

[日期:2021-04-21] 来源:ChaseDream论坛 作者:tedsun0820 [字体: ]

题库就是之前帖子里大家总结的,一共四道题,一道题 3 分钟没有准备时间。

  1. Full name and nickname name/preferred name/nickname.
  2. Prefer to work in the U.S or internationally?
  3. How to get involved in new community and get to know your classmates?
  4. Favorite course.你本科最喜欢的课?


  1. 介绍名字和 nickname.Full name and nickname name/preferred name/nickname(这题必考)
  2. Short and Long Term Career Goals. Short term and long term career plan.你的长短期职业规划。
  3. Why master program? Define why MPS best suits your interest? 怎么知道 MPS,MPS 最吸引你的地方?
  4. Why Cornell/why this program;要突出不同点。
  5. 你毕业之后回国还是留美?Prefer to work in the U.S or internationally?
  6. 介绍你现在住的 city. The city you come from and you are currently living in.
  7. Do you prefer Teamwork or work individually?
  8. 你最骄傲的 assignment 是什么?
  9. Most difficult assignment.
  10. 你从哪里知道这个项目,这个项目好在哪?
  11. How to get involved in new community and get to know your classmates?
  12. Describe your undergraduate school.描述一下本科的学校。
  13. Favorite course.你本科最喜欢的课?
  14. Least favorite course.大学最不喜欢的课程?
  15. Most interested course.
  16. Most wanting class in Cornell;最想在 Cornell 上什么课?
  17. Other university or program you apply/other possibilities.
  18. Internship 对项目的准备。实习中哪些经历能帮你更好的准备我们这个项目?

希望大家都能被梦校录取哈!攒攒人品,藤校 G5 冲鸭!




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