
[原创]5.19广州1000过 [2004-5-20 ]

[日期:2005-01-22] 来源:ChaseDream论坛 作者:bingxi [字体: ]



大概7点10分左右开始往里面放人,还好19日放的人很多.接下来就是无休止的排队,大约11点多我进入了签证室,先到4好窗口取右和左食指的指纹,然后被分到了3号窗口排队.3好窗口是个帅帅的金发GG(其实其他两个窗口的VO也很帅.YQX说1号VO象汤姆克鲁斯).3号VO虽然帅,但却异常残酷,从我开始排队那一刻起,我前面所有的人的都被拒了,4个商务签,4个探亲签.本来我信心十足,但看到这种情况心里还是有些发毛. 但仔细想想,这对我也不是一件坏事,他总要有些平衡吧.况且前面8人全和他说中文,俺和他说母语总要亲切些.如下是我们的对话,前后不到1分钟.

M: I apply for the F1 visa for MBA study in the College of William and Mary

v:  sorry, Which university

M: The College of William and Mary, the second oldest univ in USA

V:Ok, (typing) So you work in *** , for how many years you work there?(看得出他知道我的公司)

M: For Five years already. I entered in 1999, and worked in Brazil in 2000 and 2001(趁机我把我的国际工作经历告诉了他)

V: what do you do in the company

M:PPPPPP and one example. Here is my business card and also the business card of my husband. He has a quite high position in the company.

V:How will you pay for your study ?

M: With my personal saving, here is my Bank Certificate. and here is my income table for the past 6 six years and also the one of my husband,his last year anual salary is about #00,000 (他没看)

V: what's your last month salary?

M: #000RMB

V: Will your husband go together with you? (可能是我两次提到我老公,俺故意的)

M: No, I show you his salary and position just to say that he has such a high posiiton and salary, he won't go together with me.

V: (Nodding, and typing )


V:did you ask some one else to stand in the line for you this morning?(我感觉他在测我是否说实话)

M:ye, he came at one, I came at 5:30 to replace him. I don't want to miss the chance of getting an interview, I will be back tomorrow

V: (Smiling, no longer looked at me), how much did you pay him?(真是的,这也问)

M: 100RMB

V: so expensive, ok no problem, I will give you the visa, you can take it tomorrow 3 o'clock in the afternoon. Good luck to you!

M: Thanks, Good luck to you too.(挺傻的,他要LUCK干什么,但也说不定,他也许会娶个漂亮的中国MM:)



1,why this university

academic back ground, and excellent faculty team (not for job opportunity)

2, why USA

the MBA in USA is famous for its quality.

MBA in china is nearer, cheaper, and some of them are famous in the world, but they have short foundation, no enough experiences for MBA teaching. Beside, 90% are chinese in the class, I will continue to dedicate in Inter. market,  I prefer an internationalized ambiance.

3, financial situation

scholarship + personal saving

4. what plan after MBA

I will be back to China, work in a Telecom comapny to make a lift in my position, probably will be my current employer, since I have accumulated such a precious network there. But if others give me a comparable position I will consider. some years later,  I would  enter a consultant company to help chinese companies step into the inter. market.

5, why back (other reasons besides the plan)

my husband in china, he won't go with me, and I had lived in Brazil for 3 years, I felt very longly, I won't live outside, I want to be back asap after the MBA.

6. 90% not back, what my responce to this figure

respect other's choice.

7. my job responsibility


8. why married just before the interview(my personal case)


9. how will treat the long seperation just after the marriage. (personal)


在我的面试中,VO大概问到了其中的两点,我自己给他灌输了一点.只是他最后的两个问题我是万万没想到的,嘻嘻. 总之要结合自己的情况,设计回答的方略,我的方略只能作为参考, 希望有帮助.








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