
UCI MSBA Kira 十题 面经 [2021.03.30]

[日期:2021-04-09] 来源:ChaseDream论坛 作者:Esssssther [字体: ]

我是 03.25 收到 kira 邮件的,之前 R1 申请直接无面试 wl 了,这次有十题! 我知道很多人十题但是 CD 上没有十题的帖子,所以我来了!

十题 = 7 speaking + 3 written

Speaking:是 31 题库内的。

  1. 最 proud 的 achievement/ one of your accomplishments.
  2. Give us an example of how one of your strengths has benefited you when working in a team environment. Teamwork
  3. Give us one example of how well you work under pressure 抗压能力
  4. What would you do if you disagree with other team members? Example?/with your supervisor, how did you deal with it?
    我这道题实际上的问题是类似 describe one time you disagree with other team members how did you deal with it.
  5. Being able to learn quickly on the job is important. Tell us about a situation when you had to pick up an essential skill quickly.
  6. Where do you see yourself in three years?
  7. Where do you see yourself in 10 years?

Written essay:

  1. If you could join the Merage MSBA program, what contribution could you make to the UCI community?
  2. What are you most excited about attending graduate school?
  3. Pandemic 期间干了什么有什么成就?

关于作文: 没有字数限制,但是就十分钟,楼主第一篇就没写完,我觉得还是别搞得太长了,还能留给自己点时间读一遍检查一下。

以上就是我的分享,求好人品!不想再真人面了 kira 都十道题了!




打印 | 录入:steven


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