
UCI MSBA Kira 面经 [2021.03.28]

[日期:2021-04-09] 来源:ChaseDream论坛 作者:MandaWoo [字体: ]

楼主申请交的太晚,赶在国际生最后一轮 03.01 的 ddl 才交的申请。提交后大概一周收到邮件说材料已经收到,开始 review.然后 03.25 收到 kira 面试邀请(看网上其他小伙伴说那天给很多人群发了 kira,所以我寻思是不是用这种方式来筛 wl 和晚申请的人)。

Kira 一共 9 道题,7 道口语,2 道写作。

口语题全部都是 31 题面经里的,所以按照那个好好准备就行。我碰到的题目如下(每题 30 秒准备,一分钟回答):

  1. Describe the accomplishment that you are most proud of.
  2. Being able to learn quickly on the job is important. Tell us about a situation when you had to pick up an essential skill quickly.
  3. Give us an example of how one of your strengths has benefited you when working in a team environment.
  4. Give us one example of how well you work under pressure.
  5. Describe a situation when you disagree with your team member.
  6. Where do you see yourself in 3 years?
  7. Where do you see yourself in 10 years?

两道写作题(每题 10 分钟,没有字数要求):

  1. If you could join the Merage MSBA program, what contribution could you make to the UCI community?
  2. What are you most excited about attending graduate school?

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