
哥大工程学院 Interview Video 面经汇总 [2021.03.12]

[日期:2021-03-26] 来源:ChaseDream论坛 作者:嘟嘟隆咚锵 [字体: ]

整个工程学院共用一套题库,题库量较大,一共三道题会同时出现有准备时间然后 3 分钟说完三道题。

然后为即将出结果的 or 项目攒人品!!把自己整理的哥大工院 interview video 题库奉上!我用这个题库三道题都中了,然后面完又整理了一些,希望造福以后申请的同学。

  1. Why should we consider you for our program instead of several other equally qualified candidates?
  2. What would you previous teachers or boss say you excelled most at?
  3. Tell us about a recent movie that you saw, or a recent book that you read.
  4. 为什么选择这个 field?
  5. Decision under pressure 的经历。
  6. Tell us about a recent movie that you saw, or a recent book that you read.
  7. What do you hope to gain from this program?
  8. Tell us about a time you assumed a leadership role.
  9. Describe an obstacle you overcome.
  10. 你的好朋友会形容你的三个品质。
  11. 有什么 proud of 的事情?
  12. 有什么 organization 或者 company 你 admire?
  13. 你的 peers 怎么形容你?
  14. 讲一个简历上的经历。
  15. 如果你有 $10 million 会怎么做?
  16. Tell us about a time when you made a successful recommendation. How did your research show you this would be successful?
  17. Where do you see yourself in five years?
  18. Tell us something that is not on your application.
  19. Describe your ideal learning environment.
  20. What do you think the next big society-changing technological innovation will be?
  21. What do you do for fun?
  22. What was your favorite course you take in undergraduate?
  23. What motivates you?
  24. If you have the ability to time travel, would you travel forward or backward in time? Why?
  25. Waht course has had the largest impact on you in your academic career?
  26. Tell us about a time when you took the initiative to set goals and objectives even though you were not promoted or directed by others to do so?
  27. What do you do for fun?
  28. 你认为 successful student 需要什么 quality?
  29. Tell us about a time when you took the initiative to set goals and objectives even though you were not promoted by others.
  30. 讲一个你的 role model.
  31. Tell us about a project that you’re enjoyed. Why was it meaningful?
  32. How do you see this program fitting into your career goals?
  33. Tell us about a time that you were challenged ethically.
  34. 为什么要申请这个项目?
  35. 是否担任过 leader?
  36. 如果你有一个超能力你希望是什么?为什么?
  37. Do you want to change anything about your academic experience
  38. Describe a time when you assume a leadership role
  39. Who inspires you?
  40. Meaningful internship/project.
  41. Useful class.
  42. How do you feel about New York City?
  43. 你想从这个项目学到什么技术?
  44. 作为 team leader 你会采取哪些方法?
  45. 你有什么有趣的使你 unique 的点在简历里没有提到?
  46. What you interests and hobbies?
  47. How do you manage your important project?
  48. Describe what you look for in a good teacher.
  49. Can you tell us about a stressful situation? Why was it stressful? How did you manage your stress?
  50. What makes you unique?
  51. 你遇到困难时候的处理方法?
  52. What does integrity mean to u?
  53. How can engineering be an instrument for positive social change?




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