
Duke MMS FOB 面经汇总 [2021.03.12]

[日期:2021-03-26] 来源:ChaseDream论坛 作者:cxz1998 [字体: ]

今天晚上收到 offer call 通知被 fuqua mms fob 录取啦,timeline 完全符合官网上列出的 r2 时间。这是申请季的第一封 offer,希望接下来能收到更多,也祝大家好运!

BG:澳本 top 2 荣誉学位 gpa 3.79/4(wes),4 段实习(保险精算、审计、投行、资管各一段),4 段科研经历,社团、义工活动若干,GMAT 710,免语言。

自己根据 CD 上的面经汇总的面试题目,我自己在面试中遇到的问题都包括在里面,希望能帮助到将来面试的 CDer!


  1. Walk me through your resume.
  2. Tell me about your past experience.
  3. Self-introduction. (学校背景,3 个优点,举例证明,3 句表达兴趣 & program fit)

二、Teamwork/ Leadership 至少准备三个以上 example


  1. Work in teams/ alone.
  2. Failed teamwork; 个人错误影响团队。
  3. Teamwork experience with conflict/disagreement with your team-how to deal with this. (矛盾很严重,解决很有效)
  4. When you have to work with someone you do not like?
  5. What contribute most to a successful teamwork?
  6. Teamwork 最重要的三个 character.
  7. Teamwork experience,在里面的角色。
  8. Any challenge from group work,解决方法。
  9. Feedback from the team and the leader.
  10. How did you handle negative feedback at work/ How to deal with others’ constructive feedback?
  11. 遇到 free-rider 怎么办?
  12. If you know no one in a new team, how to approach others when you go to a new environment?
  13. Your role in a team/ preferred role – 团队需要哪几个角色?
  14. An important quality of a team member.
  15. Teamwork experience when inspiring others?
  16. Yours strength and weakness in teamwork.
  17. How your teammates describe you?


  1. Failed leadership experience.
  2. Leadership experience with conflict/disagreement with your team-how to deal with this (矛盾很严重,解决很有效)
  3. Experience of giving other constructive feedback.
  4. The leadership style you like and how to use this style?
  5. What makes a good leader – quality, traits *5?
  6. How could you have improved your role as a leader? If you could go back, how could you change?
  7. A leader you admire/ a quote you like.


  1. Diverse teamwork experience/与外国人共事经验
  2. 对 diversity 的理解。
  3. How would you engage in a diverse team?


  1. Your motivation.
  2. 个人优缺点。
  3. Role model.
  4. 1 分钟会在 ao 面前说什么?
  5. If you are not admitted to duke what are your other options/ What other school did you apply?
  6. Your favorite course.
  7. Your proudest accomplishments/most successful experience.
  8. Interests outside of class/Tell me something other than your academic and professional.
  9. What would you do given an extra 6 month?
  10. A story that proves listening is important.(what do you do to understand others’ requirement)
  11. How do you work under pressure?
  12. What you have learned from your past internship?
  13. What you learnt about yourself?
  14. 经历了什么挫折?
  15. How do you find your internship?
  16. About interns, pros and cons.
  17. Your favorite internship.
  18. Feedback from the previous internship & how it influenced your professional experience?
  19. How do your friends and family describe you?

四、Your Plan Your Fit

  1. Career goal. (long term& short term)
  2. Plan A& Plan B.
  3. Desired working environment.
  4. Weakness and how to solve it in Fuqua?
  5. How to improve yourself in Fuqua?
  6. How can MMS help you improve professionally and personally?
  7. What club do you want to join and how to improve leadership in this progress?
  8. Your understanding of team Fuqua.
  9. What Fuqua attracts you the most?
  10. Why MMS?
  11. Why Fuqua/Duke?
  12. Why now?
  13. How did you know Fuqua?
  14. The most important assets that you can bring to Fuqua/ contribution to Fuqua/contribution to the community in class/ the plan
  15. How will you use your network at Fuqua
  16. Experience in using your network to get an internship?
  17. How to use network at Fuqua after graduation?


  1. What else do you want to share?
  2. What do you want to ask me?




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