
哥大 AA 面经整理 [2021.03.08]

[日期:2021-03-23] 来源:ChaseDream论坛 作者:我爱吃芋头 [字体: ]

2021.03.13 更新, 几天前拿到 offer 了,比想象中发的快多了,也祝大家好运!

前一段时间面试的,有些忐忑,感觉说的一般,面试时间很短,只有 10 分钟,但是 Alice 人还是很好的,祝各位好运呀!

03.02 晚上 11:00 with Alice

  1. 简单自我介绍 + why AA?(应该是必考的)
  2. Describe a challenge.
  3. Define success.

03.01 晚上 11:15 with Alice

  1. 简单自我介绍 + why AA?
  2. Teamwork experience.
  3. 本科最 challenging 的课。

02.15 下午 4:20-4:30 (BST) with laura

  1. Why AA?
  2. Presentation experience.
  3. What you have learned from teamwork?
  4. Any question for me.


  1. Why this program?
  2. Have you ever met someone who was hard to work within your team?
  3. How can see you in yourself career path?
  4. Work style.
  5. How to define success?



面试官是 Alice,总共 3 个问题,大概持续 10 min.

  1. Why AA?
  2. Teamwork experience.
  3. Favorite course during undergraduate studies.


  1. What's your plan after graduating from AA?
  2. Tell me about your presentation experiences and do you feel comfortable about doing presentation?
  3. Your favorite class and why?


我有提早进去 zoom,Laura 也是提早进來,开头的时候闲聊一下才进入主题,Laura 全程微笑但沒有反馈。

  1. Why AA?
  2. What did I learn from the internship?
  3. Favorite class?
  4. How do you see yourself in the future?


今天我被问到了4 个问题:小姐姐人超级 nice,问的问题恰巧都是我擅长回答的。

  1. 你对我们的课程,什么是你感兴趣的?
  2. 在工作中你遇到的难题?
  3. 怎么样运用 data 到你的工作中?
  4. 毕业后你的 Dream job.


  1. Why aa?
  2. Define success.
  3. Do you feel comfortable with presentation and give me an example?


Alice 面试,开始寒暄一阵,开始录屏。

  1. Why aa?
  2. Technical core vs management core 哪个帮助更大?
  3. 在小组讨论和与教授讨论的课堂中,你能贡献什么?


  1. Why Applied Analytics Program?
  2. Presentation experience and what makes you comfortable?
  3. The most hated course in your undergraduate experience?


哥大 AA 真人面试面经, Alice 人特别和蔼亲切,面试过程持续 15-20 分钟,完全不紧张。

  1. Your career path.
  2. Your presentation experience.
  3. How to define success?



  1. 问 AA 什么 attract 你?
  2. AA 会有很多 presentation 的机会,你对于 presentation 经验多吗,分享一个你的 presentation 经历。
  3. 有没有什么课是你一开始不喜欢但是到后面变得喜欢了?

最后 Alice 说大概是两周后出结果。


  1. 毕业之后想做什么?
  2. 本科期间最喜欢的课程。
  3. 擅长 presentation 吗?做过什么 presentation?
  4. Management skill 重要还是 technical skill 重要?
  5. Why aa program?
  6. If you are admitted by aa, what is the influence for you career?
  7. Management core and technical core which one can help you more (you will choose which one)?
  8. How to/ what is your approach to tackle a task?
  9. What is the challenge you encounter in your professional life?
  10. What do you need to improve in your professional life?
  11. Experience about solving an analytical problem in your professional life.
  12. Work style.
  13. Work ethic.
  14. What did you learn from work or what did you learn from work with your colleague and leaders?
  15. You think management core will help what for you?
  16. A teamwork experience.
  17. What is your favorite class in your undergraduate?
  18. What your least favorite class? (least interesting)
  19. Career path (after aa) and dream job-which industry-why the industry attracts you.
  20. How you define success?
  21. List three good qualities(strength) of yourself and explain.
  22. Tell me an assignment.
  23. What is your programming experience?
  24. Tell me one of your presentation experience.
  25. An experience you enjoy and why you find it meaningful?




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