
[已录] UW Seattle MSBA 面经 [2021.03.06]

[日期:2021-03-22] 来源:ChaseDream论坛 作者:Gabriel60 [字体: ]

华大真是拖到最后一刻才发 Offer 啊哈哈哈,不过我还是去圣母了,回帖是美德!

Kira 面经

  1. What specifically interests you about the MSBA program at Foster, and what are you most looking forward to in the curriculum?
  2. Describe a project you worked on that demonstrates your analytical and creative problem-solving skills.
  3. Tell me about a recent group project that you were proud to be a part of. What role did you play in this group, and what unique contributions did you make to the outcome?
  4. Tell me about something in your life that you’re practicing self-discipline with. Please provide some details about any initial results, and how you’ll bring these skills to the MSBA program.
  5. What else to share to the admission?


BG:西南财经大学 会计学 3.5 108 730 3 段实习,其中一段银行水实习,没有互联网大厂的数据分析实习


  • 09.26 提交
  • 10.06 做的 kira
  • 12.17 waitlist
  • 03.06 Offer


Why MSBA, Why Foster, What preparation:

  1. Why are you interested in furthering your knowledge in the business analytics field, and how will Foster help you with this? Please be specific.
  2. What excite you from MSBA program, how will it help your goal?
  3. What unique resources will you take advantage of here versus other places where you could pursue your degree?
  4. As you are now applying to the Foster MSBA program, what steps have you taken in your academic and professional life to prepare you for success in this graduate program?
  5. What specifically interests you about the MSBA program at Foster, and what are you most looking forward to in the curriculum? ?
  6. Why should Foster offer you a seat in this MSBA program, and what specifically interests you about this field of study?
  7. Your career plan?

Projects & Group work

  1. Tell me about a time when you were working with a group of people who had very different opinions. How did you manage this, and what did you learn?
  2. Describe a project you worked on that demonstrates your analytical and creative problem-solving skills. ?
  3. Tell me about a recent group project that you were proud to be a part of. What role did you play in this group, and what unique contributions did you make to the outcome? ?
  4. Tell me about a time when you collaborated on a project and the group was not working well together. What issues contributed to this, and what role did you play in resolving the problem?
  5. Tell me about a successful team that you have been a part of at school or at work. What made this team so successful?
  6. Talk about a successful presentation you gave and why you think it did well.
  7. Tell me about a time when you were working as part of a dysfunctional team. How did you help to resolve the group’s issues and get back on track?
  8. Tell me about a time when you were able to successfully persuade someone to see things your way.
  9. Tell me about a time when you had to make sacrifices to ensure that your work was done on time. What did you learn, and how will you bring these skills to the MSBA program at Foster?

Personal experience:

  1. When did you have emotion change, how did you notice that, how it affects the outcome?
  2. How do you manage overload work and activities. What is your personal method for balancing intense workloads with other necessary aspects of life, such as joining clubs or maintaining relationships? How will you bring these skills to the MSBA program?
  3. An important aspect of self-development is identifying areas where we need to improve and learn. Tell us about a specific situation where you felt that you needed to improve on something.
  4. Tell us about a personal weakness you have that you don’t feel particularly proud of, and what steps you’re taking to improve upon this weakness. Why is this? self study experience. 你认为你应该在哪个approach上面做的更好,你已经做了哪些努力?
  5. Tell us about a personal strength you have, and how you’re taking advantage of this in your personal and professional life. Why is this?
  6. Tell me about a recent time when you had to ask for help with something. Who did you ask and how were they able to help you?
  7. Tell us about a time when your own limitation leads to under performance. What did you do and what is the outcome.


  1. What does having “drive” mean to you? Why will this be important in the MSBA program? Please be specific.
  2. What does “commitment” mean to you? Why will this be important in the MSBA program? Please be specific.
  3. Is it more important to be a good listener or a good communicator? Please explain your answer.
  4. Tell me about something in your life that you’re practicing self-discipline with. Please provide some details about any initial results, and how you’ll bring these skills to the MSBA program.
  5. 一个成功的团队里,团队成功的原因是什么?


  1. What else to share to the admission?




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