
Cornell Johnson MBA R2 Interview [2021.03.01]

[日期:2021-03-16] 来源:ChaseDream论坛 作者:MengtingWu [字体: ]

第二轮申请踩点提交,02.10 收到面试邀请,03.01 晚上面试。面试官 Jade, 人很 nice,有两个小宝宝。(因为我也是妈妈所以关注点比较 weird)

Interview questions:

  1. Academic and professional experience.
  2. Why MBA now?
  3. Your goals after MBA?
  4. What's your plan for the summer? go back to family business or find an internship.
  5. Your leadership styple.
  6. Through your past experience of leadership, what if your employers perform poor?
  7. Why Johnson?
  8. Have you talk to any alumni in Johnson?
  9. Have you applied to other programs in Johnson? and in other universities? What are they?
  10. What make you decide which MBA program to choose?(虽然和 why Johnson 差不多,但我这里特地讲了 location 虽然不如哥大但是我带着孩子更适合去环境好户外活动多的地方,而且疫情来说 Ithaca infection rate 比 NY 低)
  11. What else do you want the admission committee knows about you?
  12. What club do you have interests?
  13. QA.

氛围轻松,跟 CBS 的压迫型氛围形成鲜明反差。 据说 Johnson 很土豪,很多学生都给了奖。祝我自己好运,也祝大家 offer 多多好运连连!




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