
Carlson MSBA R2 Interview [2021.02.26]

[日期:2021-03-15] 来源:ChaseDream论坛 作者:NicoleTsai700 [字体: ]

申请的是 2021 秋季入学的 MSBA, 踩着 R2 deadline 01.03 提交资料,2 周后收到面试邮件, 选择了 2 月底面试(因为中间过年想瘫倒)。

面试是另外一个专业的 master student, Duration: 20-30 mins, 问题 list:

  1. Why Carlson, what 's your favorite courses besides Experiential Learning?
  2. What s ur short-term career goal?
  3. Can u give me an example that you solved a biz prob using analytic tools?
  4. What program language do you use, in what context?
  5. Share a time that you did more than expected from you.
  6. How do you deal with conflicts at work?
  7. The most constructive feedback you have received at work or personal life, how did u respond to it?
  8. What s the area you want to improve at your work?
  9. Do u prefer to work in a team, or alone?

Background:职场老鸟/美企/Biz 转数据分析

祝最近面试同专业的各位 good luck!




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