
CMU MISM-BIDA 2021 Fall 面经 [2021.02.23]

[日期:2021-03-10] 来源:ChaseDream论坛 作者:Caroline996 [字体: ]

楼主 gap 申请党,申了 CMU MISM-BIDA 16 month track.


  1. 面试是在 Heinz 网申页面内的,不是那种 kira 平台。
  2. 90s 准备,90s 回答,正式开始前可以选择测试和模拟,模拟完还不打算录可以退出。
  3. 录完 upload 后可以回看,若不满意,还可以再抽一题,是题库里的新题,一共有 3 次机会。
  4. 如果网页刷不出耐心等等,网申页面学校也再三强调不要刷新,刷新出不来新题。



  1. Tell me a project in which you offered great help to teammates. /Describe a situation where you build motivation among coworkers or peers.
  2. Describe a situation you had different perspectives(difficulties) compared to your teammates. Significant component of the graduate school experience is team work. When have you worked with a team to build consensus? How did you go about accomplishing that end?
  3. Illustrate how you acknowledge your teammate's achievement.
  4. Which assistance your teammates once provided you?(Tell us a time when you get assistance from your teammates)
  5. Describe a time when you work in a team? · [problem-solving]
  6. Fail experience/fail project.
  7. Describe a situation where you came up with an improved approach to getting work done or addressing an issue.Describe a situation when you think differently or use unique approach to solve a problem./Tell us about a time you address an issue using an improved or unique method. / Describe the most complex problem you were faced with and how you generated a new approach or explanation for that solution. / Tell us a time in which you were in a hard situation and how you handled it.
  8. Describe a situation when you identify a factor that contribute to a problem
  9. Share an experience when you manage to control your emotion when facing a difficult task.
  10. Tell us about a situation where you had to solve a problem weighing the advantages and disadvantages of a number of options.
  11. Describe a situation where you have to make an important decision quickly.


  1. Tell me more about your first paid job. What did you learn from it?
  2. When there's a fellow student disrespecting a professor, what will you do?
  3. 你会选择什么样的超能力,或者是你有超能力会做什么?
  4. 你一直以来最喜欢的电影是?
  5. 如果你可以穿越回10000年前或者到10000年后,你选择哪个?
  6. Tell me an interesting thing about you which isn't shown on the application.
  7. Your important or proudest (most important) achievement? /Describe an accomplishment that you achieved outside your workplace and academics, and the steps you took to achieve it. /What do you do most of the time other than study and work? / Besides your academic and career, which activities do you dedicate most of your time? And how can it benefit the community when you study at CMU Heinz / How could you benefit the community when you study at CMU Heinz?
  8. If you could have meal with any two people, past or present, who will be and why?
  9. Most innovative idea that you have ever come up with?
  10. At the Heinz College at Carnegie Mellon University, we pride ourselves in our ability to multi-task. Tell us about a time when you had multiple things to do and how you handled that situation
  11. When you have ethics challenges (when your honesty is put to the test), what will you do? / Tell us about a time when your ethics were challenged. How did you handle it when your honesty was put to the test?
  12. How would you like to spend a day not considering all factors that may affect it?


  1. Why do you like Heinz college? /What aspects of Heinz College interest you?
    /What specifically interests you about the Heinz College? Why are you interested in coming here versus other programs?
    25.What motivate you to apply for a graduate study?Why you choose this time for a graduate study?
  2. Why Heniz admits you?/ How have your academic and professional experiences prepared you for graduate studies at Heinz College?
  3. Describe your dream job/career.
  4. What activities are you most committed to? How does it help you in your graduate study at Heinz?
  5. Please give us an example of an academic or co-curricular activity that has prepared you for graduate studies at the Heinz College.
  6. As you are applying to a professional management program at the Heinz College, why are you interested in working in the particular industries related to your program?
  7. 项目提升-说一个你在项目中需要就其中某一部分进行提升的经历。




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