
Duke MQM R2 Interview [2021.02.23]

[日期:2021-03-10] 来源:ChaseDream论坛 作者:morella8823 [字体: ]

今天刚刚面试完 Duke MQM, decision date 应该是 03.11, fingers crossed! 记录一下面试问题,祝接下来面试的同学好运!

  1. Greeting: Where are you right now? Where exactly is the city?
  2. Interviewer’s introduction:
    a) My interviewer was an MBA alumnus.
    b) 他表示这是一个比较 informal 的面试,只有几个问题,最后会留时间 Q&A.
  3. 要求自我介绍:“I noticed that you have achieved many great things in the past, can you walk me through your experience? Like what’s your career journey and how you grow an interest in the direction?”
  4. What’s your first and second choice of the track? Why?
  5. What is your typical way of interaction with others? How do your teammates describe you in teamwork?
  6. Did you receive any constructive feedback from others (either professional or personally)? How did you react to that?
  7. What do you think is a good leader?
  8. What leadership skills do you have?
  9. What’s your short-term and long-term career goal? + Follow-up questions
  10. Compared with other programs, is there a specific reason that makes you choose Fuqua/MQM? Why not other choices, like work first and have an MBA?
  11. What does team Fuqua mean to you?
    a) 他也提到自己对 team fuqua 的认识,提到 ambition+work with diverse team members to bring more value than the individual value.
  12. Q&A.




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