
哥大 MSBA 面经汇总 [2021.02.19]

[日期:2021-03-08] 来源:ChaseDream论坛 作者:megalion [字体: ]

个人认为,MSBA 和其余工院下的项目如 MSOR 项目的题库是不同的;因为 MSBA 是商院和工院 partnership,且有些 MSBA 问题具备独特性(如问题 16)。

  1. [About me] Tell us something that is not on your application/resume and is most interesting.
  2. [About me]What are your hobbies and interests?
  3. [About me]Tell us about a recent movie that you saw, or a recent book that you read.
  4. [About me]学过最有意义的课。
  5. [Why me: skill set + experience] What makes you unique?/Why should we consider you for our program instead of several other equally qualified candidates?
  6. [Why BA: demand + work-life pattern]What has motivated you to pursue this academic field?
  7. [Why program: curriculum + alumni network + city]What do you hope to gain from this program?
  8. [Why city; film/TV/novel + diversity + landmark] How do you feel about NYC?
  9. [经验:时间管理] What is your approach to managing important projects?/如果有很多 assignment,要怎么做能 on time 和高效?
  10. [经验:学习管理] Tell us about a time when you took the initiative to set goals and objectives even though you were not prompted or directed by others to do so.
  11. [经验:压力管理] Can you tell us about a stressful situation? Why was it stressful? How did you manage your stress?/Describe an obstacle you overcome/Tell us about a time you assumed a leadership role./ Tell us about a time when you took charge of a meeting
  12. [经验:解决困难] Can you tell us about a time that you were given negative feedback on a project? How did you handle the critique?/讲一个有意义的实习经历。/Describe an obstacle you overcome.
  13. [经验:Leadership] Tell us about a time when you took charge of a meeting. How were the results of your actions?/Can you tell us about your most successful group or team project? Why successful?
  14. [规划] What is the riskiest decision you have ever made?
  15. [规划] 5 years plan.
  16. [规划] What would your life become if your academic/professional career is unrelated to business or engineering?
  17. [规划] What would you say is an area in which you need improvement?
  18. [规划] Lets say you found a lottery ticket that ends up winning 10 million, what would you do.
  19. [价值观] Define Success.
  20. [价值观] 成功的学生需要具备什么品质?
  21. [价值观] Who is your role model?/If you could have dinner with someone(living or dead), who would that persona be?
  22. [Interpersonal] Attributes of a good professor/Describe what you look for in a good teacher.
  23. [Interpersonal]What would your previous teachers or boss say you excelled most at?
  24. [Interpersonal] How would your peer describe your characteristic?
  25. [Interpersonal]和你的mentor或者professor聊,你学到了什么?
  26. [Interpersonal]Tell us a time when you made a successful recommendation.




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