为了防止失学所以还是申了几个和本硕专业相关的program,目前为止两所好一些的 program 都收到面试,但是因为考虑到研究兴趣等问题,所以这个 offer 直接 decline 了。整个面试过程有点奇怪,research 的内容问得很少,一直反复问我有没有过 teaching experience 和 industry experience,我也就实习过并硕士期间当过一些 TA,但这些 CV 上都没写,因为之前 RA 的老师告诉我这些不是特别重要。后来有打听一下,他家 program 好像是 year 1 春学期就要开始教课,整个 teaching load 比较重的样子。面试四位 faculty,三位 senior prof,一位 AP,35min 左右。
- Self-introduction.
- Do you have any research project?(研究就问了这一个,也没追问)
- Do you have any teaching experience, how big the class is, what subject, what did you do for this TAship, how's your TA evaluation?
- What your friend says about you?(好职场的问题)
- Industry experience.
- Career plan.
- Who do you wanna work with if you get into this program? (说了 PS 里写的一位老师)
- Any further questions.