
BC 面经汇总 [2021.02.15]

[日期:2021-03-04] 来源:ChaseDream论坛 作者:想有学上啊啊啊 [字体: ]
  1. 介绍一下除了简历上的你自己。
  2. 如果有一年空闲时间不用考虑钱你会干啥?

希望能拿到 offer ,现在美国还没有学校要我。 附完整面经整理攒攒人品!

  1. 为什么喜欢金融?
  2. 你和你的队友 disagreement 的时候,你会怎么办?
  3. What is your favorite movie and explain why?
  4. If you have enough time and enough money for a year, what is your plan, and why?
  5. Where do you see yourself in five years? Where will you be and what will you be doing?
  6. Why do you want to study at boston college?
  7. 你可以从 BC 学到什么?
  8. What can you contribute to Boston college's continuing learning environment?
  9. Name a person that you look up to, why?
  10. What would you recommend from your hometown?
  11. Your favorite place to visit.
  12. What is your favorite course and how did it help you?
  13. Why you choose your career path?
  14. When you step to leader, what leadership skills do you demonstrate?
  15. Talk about a leadership experience in your life.
  16. Describe an achievement that you feel very proud of.




打印 | 录入:steven


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