
ESSEC GE R2 面经 [2021.02.09]

[日期:2021-02-24] 来源:ChaseDream论坛 作者:LouiseXVII [字体: ]


  1. 自我介绍。
  2. Why interested in digital transformation in insurance industry?
  3. Any ideas on reducing the risk of underwriting?
  4. Insurance companies tend to prevent the risk or manage the risk?
  5. Do you know about reinsurance?
  6. Do you think you need to be an expert or not to be to manage the risk?
  7. Why you choose data science program of ESSEC as also interested?
  8. How to combine data science and insurance’s digital innovation?
  9. Which industry you are more interested in?
  10. ESSEC or ESCP? Why?
  11. Hobby.
  12. 如果团队中有了把钱挪用,你会怎么办?(在这边抠了很久,给我各种情况作答)
  13. Any failure you’ve met in leadership or team working experience?
  14. Why“Shaping the future for finance” chair ?
  15. What do you think of sustainable finance?
  16. How companies make good influence on the society
  17. 给了我几个对象,问如果我是 bank 要借给谁钱?
  18. 有去哪里旅游吗?
  19. 喜欢新加坡哪里,最不喜欢甚么?
  20. 最喜欢哪个国家,为啥?
  21. 知道法国任何的 moment 吗?
  22. There are many candidates, why choose you?
  23. Any questions ?

法国男在读生有点 cha;问很多完全没意料到的问题;那个借钱跟把钱挪用都是他问滴。 女教授很和善,但也都不是问常规的问题。 总之,整场有些时候很蒙,因为教授和法国男生说话我听不太懂。

原以为能碰到的都没碰到;ESSEC 网上申请的时后会让你填还对哪个项目感兴趣,最好准备原因,我就被问到了。




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