
CWRU 面经汇总 [2021.01.08]

[日期:2021-02-02] 来源:ChaseDream论坛 作者:runningHAN [字体: ]

BG:T100,G700,WES gpa3.97,学校糟心北京民办二本金融专业 实习*2:1 个月银行大堂,4 个月券商投行 无科研,1 个市级大创,俩学生组织,1 个普通义工 一次国家奖学金(就这个似乎还值点钱) 学校 专业 奖学金


  • 12.18 交齐材料
  • 12.23 赶上圣诞节假期,面试邀请(中间出岔子作废了)
  • 01.04 被发邮件通知2周内完成面试
  • 01.08 提交kira面试
  • 01.16 收到邮件说申请动态变动,去申请页查看。然后就喜出望外地发现居然是被录取了


  1. Introduce yourself.
  2. What other schools have you applied? And why?
  3. 一次团队成员不能 work together well 的经历,如何 solve,你发挥了什么作用?
  4. Team members 差距很大,如何让成员贡献?
  5. 需要从多个途径获取信息的经历,如何判断哪些信息是 essential 哪些是 less relevant?
  6. Use your knowledge in an unconventional way.
  7. 空闲时间做什么?
  8. 你在学习或者工作中最欣赏的一个人是谁?你怎样表达你的欣赏?他怎么反应?
  9. Case 的项目有什么不同/why case?
  10. A time you make decision or recommendations without any guidelines, how you handled it and how it ends?
  11. A new procedure that makes a difference to your community?
  12. 在一项任务的时候缺乏技能或者知识,怎么处理,结果是什么?
  13. 说一个你分析一个问题的时候的步骤,结果是什么?
  14. 团队能力到了极致的时候,你是如何发挥 teamwork?
  15. 为了以后的 program 你都做了哪些准备?
  16. 有没有一件超出你 comfort zone 的事情?
  17. 有没有一个 academic 或 extracurricular 活动,教会了你一些重要的事情和道理?
  18. 有没有一个 project,对你人生有 potential long-term 影响,描述下影响,还有 outcome?
  19. Interesting thing about yourself.
  20. Provide an example of a time when you required assistance from other team members to complete a project or activity. How did you agree on the division of tasks, and what was the outcome?
  21. 说一个你在的 successful 的 team,是什么原因让这个 team successful?
  22. Describe an unforeseen problem or difficulty you have faced in the past. How did you go about solving a problem you weren’t anticipating?
  23. How you ensured that team members were informed of details of an important project or organizational development? How did you keep them informed?
  24. How do you remain involved in your community outside of school and work?
  25. What experience in your life has had the most significant impact on your outlook?
  26. Recognize everyone’s efforts in a group work, how you recognize and what outcome?
  27. Please give an example when you encouraged team members to have more autonomy and take more responsibilities. What did you do, and how did it turn out?(新题,45s/90s)
  28. Describe a problem you identified that was not apparent to others. What information led you to the identification of this problem, and what solution did you implement? (新题,45s/90s)
  29. Please give an example when you noticed that a team member did not have the right resources or tool to do the work. What did you do as a leader, and how did your actions affect the team member’s work?
  30. 一个事情体现了你发现一个事情中不同方面之间的关联性,然后得到了对这个情况的更好的理解?
  31. 你的一个 milestone 和如何实现?(步骤)
  32. Why case choose you in this program this year? why you choose case?
  33. 说你曾经领导的一个团队,其中团队成员差异性很大,你怎么领导的?最后这个团队怎么成功的?
  34. Describe a situation when you delegated responsibility and authority to members of your team. How was your delegation effective, and did you encounter any problems?
  35. 例子你尝试一个试验性的 solution 且失败了,为啥会失败?
  36. 你的组和其他组因为文化还是什么工作方式差异产生分歧,你会怎么处理?




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