
WUSTL BA Kira 面经 [2021.01.21]

[日期:2021-01-28] 来源:ChaseDream论坛 作者:sEVEN_77 [字体: ]


我是中介发的邮箱,所以要在电脑上打开邮箱,点击链接谷歌打开。 我是才知道不同的 kira 有不同的时间,有的是提交申请了发链接,有的是提交前,一定要弄清楚,很容易错过 ddl. 录制的过程中进展很慢,在第 3 个 video 卡了很久,很慌,不知道能不能刷新,是可以的,他会直接到那个 question 目录那页,再点击 question,但是我估计在录音上传的过程中估计刷新会录音作废。 内容最好看着 essay 准备,更加熟练。 写作倒是很快。可以提前准备好照着打。

我总结了 CD 差不多所有的题库了,并简单的总结了下,有的题目可以归类的。我看 finance 和 ba 的题库很多重复,应该是差不多的,只不过对于 program 的分析不一样。下面是我的总结,希望能帮助到大家。


  1. You have been offered an opportunity to interview for an internship with a company that is on your target list. The interview is on Wednesday at 10 AM on the north side of town. On Tuesday, you receive an offer from your top choice company to interview on the same day at 11 AM. The companies are 45 minutes apart by car.This is your dream opportunity; however, you have already made a commitment to the other company. What do you do?
  2. A student has been extremely busy trying to wrap up a project for his/her internship employer, so unfortunately the student has not devoted a sufficient amount of time toward the completion of his/her final paper. The final paper is due tomorrow and the student still has not finished the paper, but the supervisor of the internship has requested that he/she join the team out at a local restaurant to celebrate the finalization of the project. Faced with this dilemma, what should the student do?
  3. A student is selected as Class President and is scheduled to accept the position and speak to the entire student body on Friday. On Wednesday it is discovered that the student has not completed a self-study course requirement that is mandatory for all student senate representatives. The course takes a week to be completed. Given that the student has not started the coursework and will not be able to finish before the announcement on Friday, please describe what actions should be taken in order to resolve the situation.
  4. For the first time in many years the basketball team has made it to the championship game. In order for a player to be eligible they must have a “C” grade average. A few days prior to the game the coach learns that his two star players have dropped below the required grade average. According to policy, they should be suspended from the team but, if they are suspended, they won’t play in the championship and the whole team is depending on them. What should the coach do?

口语:我差不多是按照出现频率排序的。前 16 题出现的频率都很高。

  1. What makes you a competitive candidate? Why you are an ideal candidate? (Describe how your undergraduate degree has prepared you for the Master of Science in Business Analytics program)
  2. 一个你在 Olin 你想进的 student club or organization.
  3. One place in St Louis that you are excited to visit. (家乡景点)
  4. If you could have a meal with someone that is important to you, who would it be and what you will talk about?
  5. Share interesting things about you that others may not know. (favorite movies/book) (one interesting thing about you not mentioned in the application process)
  6. Tell us about the most meaningful gift that you have ever received.
  7. Use three words to describe yourself, why you choose these three words?
  8. Tell us about the number one song played on your playlist.
  9. How do you believe the Master of Science in Business Analytics program will prepare you to be a valuable professional within the industry?
  10. How will Olin prepare you for your career?
  11. Which track are you interested in the MSBA program and how that relates to your career?
  12. Describe how you gained an interest in the data analytics industry and how you plan to make an impact within it?
  13. Describe what you would cook for your friends at a dinner party and why?
  14. Based on your background, what can you bring to Olin students and this program?
  15. Describe one of the most important skills that one need to have to succeed in data analytics industry.
  16. Describe how you want to be involved with the Olin business school after graduation?
  17. If you could have a super hero power, what would it be and why?
  18. 如果你可以去火星,条件是和你的家人朋友再也不见面,你愿意吗?(这个是 practice 的题,按理说不会出现,但是 17 题是我的 practice,他是我的 6 道题之一)




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