
UMN MSBA Interview with Aiden Rao [2021.01.20]

[日期:2021-01-27] 来源:ChaseDream论坛 作者:coco221 [字体: ]


  • 01.03 卡线提交
  • 01.06 面试通知
  • 01.20 面试

附上之前的 video essay 的题目: What's your definition of diversity and how or why do you think diversity is important?

Aiden Rao 印度人,语速很快,上来就说大概会面试 20 多分钟。跟之前帖子里面大家描述得一样,全程没有 follow-up,一直在写写写,有时候写得时间很长。最后说 3 月底会给结果。


  1. Tell me about yourself.(个人介绍)
  2. Why MSBA?
  3. What can MSBA bring you for the long-term goal?
  4. What your undergraduate class can help you in MSBA?
  5. What kinds of academic challenges do you foresee in BA study?
  6. If I knew nothing about business analytics, use one sentence to explain business analytics to me.
  7. Explain what is business analytics to non-technical stakeholders?
  8. What's the difference between analysis and analytics?
  9. How does your internship experience prepare for your future graduate study?

与 Carlson 相关的问题

  1. Why Carlson?
  2. 三个词形容你在申请 ba 时最看重的三点。(变相 why carlson)
  3. Outside of the curriculum, why Carlson?
  4. 在 Carlson 会遇到的 academic challenges/What difficulties could confront in this program?
  5. Two favorite courses in Carlson.
  6. How to balance time in our rigorous MSBA program?/ How to balance life and study?
  7. 想从 carlson 获得/学到什么/ three things you want to learn from our program?
  8. How did you first hear about the program?
  9. 全英文授课,你会遇到什么 challenge?
  10. Other schools applied, which to go?


  1. Career goal,包括 Short-term以及long-term. target company.


  1. Data analytics project/A project you did before?
  2. Tell me an example about your understanding of "big data".
  3. 描述一次你超额完成任务的经历。问了为什么你的表现超过了你的能力?
  4. An experience beyond other's expectation. Why would you do that?
  5. 最成功的一个 project,怎么处理的?
  6. Programming languages and your proficiency.

与 teamwork 以及 leadership

  1. Team conflict/How did you solve difficulties/challenges with your team?
  2. Leadership experience.
  3. Prefer to work alone or work in a team?
  4. What will you do if there is a free rider in your group?
  5. When your team face difficulties/challenges, how do you usually motivate your team members?


  1. Best professional strength and improvement/weakness.
  2. How do you motivate yourself?
  3. What are you passionate about?
  4. Areas to be improved, how?
  5. How do you do self-study?
  6. Most constructive criticism and how you respond and what you learn?(这个好多人都被问到了)
  7. Why we should choose you over other qualified candidates?
  8. Tell me about an experience in which you learn from your mistakes?


  1. How to prioritize networking and academic coursework?
  2. Hobby/ What do you do in your free time?
  3. 得到的 feedback from your professor.


Aiden Rao:
印度小哥,语速非常快 + 印度口音。基本都在记笔记,没笑过不追问也不给 feedback。面试基本为 20-30 分钟,一题 2-3 分钟。会一上来就和你说我们知道有面经所以要听清楚再回答(然后问的都是面经的题)

面试官介绍:Kory 是个很可爱的金发小姐姐,全程都笑着说话,一上来就先介绍自己,然后就直接发问了。kory 有只猫,所以面试的时候会在 kory 旁边转来转去,稍微有点打扰但是不是太影响。人很 nice, 所以你也搞不清她是真的喜欢你才对你笑还是只是习惯性笑容。 总面试时间约为三十几分钟。

面试官介绍:一个非常温柔,交流也很舒服的小哥。态度很好,会有 follow-up。总体来说没有什么特别难和 unexpected 的问题。

面试官介绍:一个黑人小姐姐,人很好会给 positive response 会进行记录。会根据你的回答来发问,所以建议不要死背稿,模块化准备内容,灵活应对。很多 follow up question.

全程约 30min,无 follow-up,按照准备的内容说就好。




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