
Cornell MPS AEM Video Essay [2021.01.18]

[日期:2021-01-25] 来源:ChaseDream论坛 作者:好运多多 [字体: ]

赶着 ddl 在 01.18 晚上刚面的,来分享下攒攒人品。


  1. Your full name and nick name.(必考,这题随意)
  2. After graduation, work in US or internationally?
  3. What are your career interests? Both in the short-term and in the long-term.
  4. Why graduate degree?

准备面试的时候在 CD 搜到的面经里,下面这篇比较全,我就直接搬运过来啦:

附较全面经整理:Cornell MPS AEM video essay 2020.11.28

  1. 名字是必考: What is yourfull name and any nicknames you prefer?
  2. 介绍自己的出生地和住处。 The low rolling hills are reflected in the clear river, deep and shallow in color
  3. 本科最喜欢的课。
  4. 最不喜欢的课。
  5. What is your proudest assignment/project at university?
  6. 你在 Internship 中学到了什么?如何帮助你在 program 中的学习?What is your role in your internship experiences and how do they prepare you for your graduate study/future development?
  7. Experience about taking a leadership role.
  8. Setback experience.
  9. 你本科的学习怎样 prepare 你进入 graduate study?
  10. 介绍本科学校。
  11. 你有什么优势能让这个项目录取你?
  12. 喜欢自己完成任务还是团队完成任务( Do you prefer to work individually or as part of a team? Please explain.)
  13. 未来长短期目标是什么 What are your career interests? Both in the short-term and in the long-term.
  14. 以后留美国还是去哪里——我的问题之一,以后留美还是 internationally, After graduation, work in US or internationally?
  15. Volunteer experience 以及和你的职业目标之间的关联。
  16. 为什么来康奈尔/选这个项目(90%)——我的问题之一,为什么感兴趣 Cornell,particularly MAE 这个项目. 这个项目为什么吸引你?为什么适合你? (Be specific)/ 为什么选择这个项目,为什么来康奈尔?
  17. MPS 项目最想上的课 Preferred class or classes in Cornell?
  18. 如果被录取,你会怎么认识你的同学 If get accepted by this program, how to introduce yourself to the schoolmates?
  19. 读 graduate 对你职业的帮助 Why do you think a MPA degree will help you reach the career goal?
  20. why graduate degree? graduate study 怎么符合你的长远规划?
  21. How will this program develop your capability?
  22. Why do you think this is a good time for you to pursue a graduate degree?
  23. How do you first know about this program? What attracts you most in this program?




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