

[日期:2005-01-22] 来源:ChaseDream论坛 作者:deambox [字体: ]

我的4月15日签证经过 - 北京




下面是我的对话记录:M: me, V: Visa Officer

M: Good afternoon, sir (pass my plastic card to VO)

V: So you will go to Duke, what will you study there?

M: I will study MBA at Duke. In 2002, I visited Duke with my wife. We both love it very much.

V: How long will you stay there?

M: Two years

V: What do you do?

M: I am a marketing manager; I work for XXX Company, one of the biggest telecommunication companies in the world …

V: I know xxx

V: What is your monthly salary?

M: My salary is xx,xxx

V: Is this your monthly salary?

M: Yeah, I prepared my income certification and my bank statements; do you want to take a look?

V: Yes …..(Reading my documents)

M: I have also prepared my pay sheets of the last two years; do you want to take a look?

V: (shaking head)

V: The money on your bank statement is not enough for your first year. In your I-20, you need $57,000 for the first year, but your bank statement is only ....... (pointing to the last line of my bank statement)

M: Oh, that is not right. You should add all the items together. I have prepared totally $117k.

V: Enn ....

V: How many years have you worked for this company?

M: Almost five years

V: What did you do before you joined this company?

M: I have been worked five years in Telecommunication industry before joined xxx company. I first worked for a state-owned company for two years, then worked one and half year for a Switzerland company and then worked two years for an Israel company.

V: Do you have a resume?

M: Yes, here you are

V: How many schools did you apply?

M: Five, 3 of them gave me offer. I got an offer from Georgetown University with 20,000 dollar, but Duke fits me more, so I decide go to Duke.

V: What is the other school that give you offer?

M: University of Texas at Austin, and MIT put me on waiting list.

V: MIT? enn, what is your plan after your study?

M: After my graduation, I will return to China and seek a senior manager or a director position in my current employer, or in other multinational corporations, such as IBM, Motorola or Cisco. I am also open for Chinese hi-tech company if there is a good chance. But no matter what, definitely,

I will come back to my home, here.

V: What is the salary of a director in your company?

M: About 80K for people who hold a US degree and 40K to 50K for local people. But you know, local people have very little chance to get a marketing director position in a big North America company.

V: What are you wife doing?

M: She is in her practical training period

V: Oh, she is a student of University of xxx. What does she study at University of xxx? (checking computer)


V: So you can meet her in US?

M: Yes, she will move to Duke with me

V: That is good

V: I can give you visa

M: Excuse me, what?

V: I can give you visa

M: Thank you! It is a good day for me.


签证的细节准备非常重要,从准备每一个问题到参考别人的经过。我是阅读了大量的签经,有签过的和没有签过的。看那些是和自己类似的问题。假设如果是自己,那么怎样回答这个问题。对了,我的DS表格都是用Adobe Acrobat 6.0填好,然后打印出来。本来是准备第一次不过,第二次就不用填表了,现在看来可以贡献给大家了。


还有,面试的练习非常重要,和太太做过三次练习,总结了一些自己表现不好的问题。另外还和一个朋友(MilanFan)在MSN上练习了两次,^_^。 MilanFan总结了三点,我觉得非常有参考价值:be straightforward, be concise, and be yourself  and be confident







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