
哥大 SPS 面经 [2021.01.06]

[日期:2021-01-07] 来源:ChaseDream论坛 作者:青空与林 [字体: ]

After you have submitted your application and fee, you will be required to submit a 1-minute video essay. You will be given time to create test videos to ensure that your system is working properly. When you are ready, you will be given a randomly selected prompt for which you will have one minute to prepare and one minute to record a response. You will not be able to re-record your video.

一道题,1min 准备 1min 说,时间不像别的 Kira 那样有一个进度条,是显示在屏幕中间的一个倒计时,注意把握时间。

  1. 你本科阶段(印象最深/获益最大)的一门课程是什么?
  2. What moral delimma you faced recently?
  3. Do you use emojis or emotions during communications? Why?
  4. What is the worst advice you have ever received?
  5. 团队合作的活动以及遇到的挑战。
  6. Sth. about yourself that is not on your resume.
  7. Sth. that makes you different from other candidates.
  8. How to persuade people to do something that they don't want to do?
  9. Should a good leader be feared or liked?
  10. Tell me a painful moment and how you get through it.
  11. 大学教育中你认为最棒的部分是什么?
  12. Do you perform better when you are competing or collaborating?
  13. 你本科阶段(印象最深/获益最大)的一门课程是什么?
  14. 团队合作的活动以及遇到的挑战。
  15. How do you motivate yourself when you are assigned a task?
  16. How would you like to change the world?
  17. Describe your ideal work environment.
  18. 对于一个非常重要的speech or TED,你会讲述什么?
  19. What is an important celebration in your family?
  20. How do you get news?
  21. How do you spend $100,000?
  22. Tell me about your biggest weakness?
  23. How would you feel if you spend one day without cell phone? One week?
  24. How do you conclude whether you agree or disagree with an idea?
  25. How do you handle peer-pressure?
  26. How you test the limit of your knowledge?
  27. How do you explore an interesting topic?
  28. What is your dream job?
  29. How do you get more information about an interesting topic?
  30. Why this program?
  31. How can you see you in yourself career path?
  32. What is something that you proud of doing?
  33. 你在博物馆见到的最有意思的事情是什么?
  34. 如果你可以给年轻的你建议,你会给什么?
  35. What are your three greatest strengths?
  36. 你谈判的过程与结果?
  37. 你最喜欢的 technology 是什么?
  38. What kind of feedbacks do you prefer?
  39. What was your dream job when you were a child? And how did it change through out the years?
  40. What are people's assumptions about you?
  41. What's your favorite sports to watch and play,why?
  42. How do you make decisions?
  43. Who is your professional role model?
  44. If money wasn't an issue, what do you want to do for work?
  45. How important is social media to you?




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