
UR Video Essay 面经 [2021.01.03]

[日期:2021-01-04] 来源:ChaseDream论坛 作者:Gladiolus [字体: ]

问到的问题是:讲一个团队项目,你贡献了什么以及为什么能成功? 之前在论坛里搜到了一些题目然后不舍昼夜的准备,菜鸡如我已经尽力了,希望通过分享能攒攒人品吧。

  1. What would you want to witness——past, present, or future?
  2. What would you do if you have one extra hour?
  3. What is the one thing you are always want to try?
  4. 你对 Simon 有什么调查研究?然后有什么收获和 look forward 什么?
  5. An experience to mentor someone for a task and what did you gain?
  6. 讲一个你的 team project 经历。
  7. Your greatest achievement outside the school and work. Why?
  8. choose one culture to immerse in, which will u choose and why?
  9. 在和不同文化背景的人沟通时,你如何确保对话的有效性?
  10. Something surprises you when interacting with people from a different culture?
  11. 你认为你喜欢的 activity 如何塑造了你的 personality?
  12. How do you work under pressure?
  13. Tell me about a time when you had many tasks you had to work on at the same time. How did you prioritise?
  14. Have you not met your goal at any point? Why?
  15. Talk about the person that influences you the most in your life.
  16. Something new you brought when communicating with people of traditional culture,belief...





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