
[已录] HEC-Yale M2M 2021 Fall R1 面经 [2020.11.23]

[日期:2020-12-16] 来源:ChaseDream论坛 作者:申请加油 [字体: ]

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  • 10.21 HEC 提交
  • 10.27 Yale next steps 邮件
  • 11.13 HEC 面试邀请
  • 11.16 Yale 面试邀请
  • 11.20 Yale 面试
  • 11.23 HEC 面试
  • 11.30 offer

Yale interview 25 min

  1. 无自我介绍。
  2. How do you know this program? Why program?
  3. Internships: what did you learn?
  4. Career: How did you become interested in it? 追问 companies, roles?
  5. How will M2M help you achieve your career goals?
  6. Extracurricular activity.
  7. How will you contribution to the community?
  8. Why did you choose this major?(本科小众专业)
  9. Your role in teamwork?
  10. Is there anything else you want me to know?
  11. Q&A.

HEC interview 21 min

  1. Self-introduction & How will this program help you in career?
  2. Career: location?
  3. Your contribution to class?
  4. Clubs you want to join?
  5. Students in HEC that you have talked to?
  6. How would M2M help you since you want to go back to China,除了两个学校的fame?(前面提到回中国,一点 challenge)
  7. 问了一段与法国人有关的 extracurricular activity.
  8. Challenge of moving to a new country?(问这个问题应该是因为本科无交换)
  9. Why did you choose this major?
  10. Q&A.


M2M 是我最早面试的项目,准备的时候蛮焦虑,还好两位面试官都很 nice.问题大部分关于个人背景和经历,尤其是 HEC,所以一定要熟悉每段个人经历,结合背景的特殊之处揣测一下面官感兴趣的问题。大家可以参考的共性的问题还是 why program, career goals, contribution/teamwork, extracurricular activity 等等。 我想到什么再更新吧,祝大家申请顺利,收获满意的 offer!

BG:陆本 top 2 文科+经双,GPA 3.8+,T113,G331,四实习




打印 | 录入:steven


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