
ESSEC 面经 [2020.11.23]

[日期:2020-11-26] 来源:ChaseDream论坛 作者:SkylerWW [字体: ]


  • 10.21 submitted
  • 11.10 interview invitation
  • 11.23 interview

我好像是 ESSEC 最后一天面试的,不知道还有没有帮助。Jury 是一个中国学姐学的 marketing,一个 professor 好像是经济学的,然后还有一个法国 jury 好像是行政职位。

  1. Talk about yourself.Why you want to study management, why essec, why france?(第一题直接把好多题一起问了,我每个问题都提了一点,怕说的时间太长)
  2. What did you do in your exchange program?(暑期丹麦交流项目,顺便还问了这个学校的名字,还有地点)
  3. What's your career goal, were do you see yourself in ten years?(我侧重 data 和 csr 方面,还问了怎么和 career goal 联系起来)
  4. 为什么想去 fmcg company 和咨询?(职业规划里提到了)
  5. What do you expect from ESSEC? (track)
  6. Describe yourself.three words positive and three words negative.
  7. 根据 three words negative 问了我克服其中一个缺点的 leadership 经历。(又要克服缺点又要leadership)
  8. 问了我的项目,为什么五年?(因为我是 dual degree)
  9. Hobby.(说了 cook & bakery 衍生 favorite dish)
  10. 难题 2: a concrete case where data is able to achieve sustainability goal of business.
  11. 难题 1: under the pandemic of COVID-19, how do you think we can solve environmental issues and economic growth at the same time?
  12. 你会在下个学期找 internship 嘛?(提到了自己下学期就一门课)
  13. 你有什么想问的?

然后差不多就这样啦!有很多没有准备的,但是 ESSEC 大家都聊的很开心,然后氛围还不错,有开几个玩笑之类的。




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