
Vanderbilt Master of Marketing Video Essay [2020.11.13]

[日期:2020-11-19] 来源:ChaseDream论坛 作者:xinxid [字体: ]

回馈 CD!之前在论坛上看到了一些面经,这次遇到了其中的两道题,超级感谢!

总共是 3 次机会,每次是不同的题,30s 准备时间,90s 回答,回答完后可以回看是否满意,如果不满意则可以删除使用下一次机会。

在这里整理后 repost 一下:

  1. What is your lifelong interest/passion, why?
  2. Tell us on a cause that you are passionate about?
  3. First experience of earning money.
  4. One of the favorite places in the world.
  5. If you can teach a class, what would you choose to teach?
  6. What’s your impression of Nashville?
  7. 如果重回大学,你想要改变什么?
  8. 如果重新回到过去两年,你会做什么?
  9. 什么事情让你抱怨最多?
  10. 如果我们到你家吃晚餐,你会为我们准备什么?
  11. What are you most proud of in your life?
  12. What do you think is the most useful invention in your lifetime?
  13. A venture capitalist gives you a million dollars to launch your best entrepreneurial idea. What would you do?
  14. If you won $100w in lottery, what would you do?
  15. 你在感到压力和抑郁时,会做什么来让自己恢复元气?
  16. 讲一个你的 favorite hobby,并向一个不太了解它的人介绍。
  17. Tell us about someone in your life who has influenced you and why?
  18. What is your favorite restaurant, where, why, how to get there?
  19. 最让你害怕的事情?
  20. Why soft skills so important?
  21. How do you define success?
  22. Describe something that 你现在明白了的,但你希望自己 5 年前就明白了。
  23. What is one word that your peers would use to describe you?


  1. First experience of earning money.
  2. Tell us on a cause that you are passionate about?





打印 | 录入:steven


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