
JHU MSF 面经 [2020.10.26]

[日期:2020-10-27] 来源:ChaseDream论坛 作者:Estella1997 [字体: ]


  1. Tell me about a time when you received more credit than you deserved for a successful group project. What was the outcome and what did you learn?
  2. Where would you like to if you can go back to 100 years ago? You can choose any country except your own.

希望各位也申请顺利! Offer 多多!

  1. Imagine that you could fully immerse yourself in another culture for an entire year, what culture would you choose and why?
  2. 讲述一次遇到困难的经历,what outcome? what did you learn?
    Describe an experience you don’t have confidence in fully understand (or learn)sth. outcome? what did you learn from it?
  3. You have experienced several setbacks during a difficult task, what did you do and what did you learn?
  4. Work or academic experience 中感到 fully motivated what did you do and what is the outcome?
  5. 一个你认为成功但是最后却失败了的经历。
  6. 分享一次你和 teammates 有 disagreement 的经历,是怎么解决的?He doesn’t want to practice the presentation.
  7. Talked to him first schedule the meeting by his time.
  8. Made concession: online zoom meeting.
  9. If a business idea is only profitable in your country,but is insensitive to other countries, will you accept?
  10. 是在小组活动中在最后一秒改 plan,有什么影响,学到什么?
  11. Imagine that you are preparing a business case for a project that would make a positive impact on hunger or malnutrition in different parts of the world. How might you pitch this aspect of the project to a socially conscious stakeholder?
  12. One of your members struggling for a challenge. What's your respond and what's the outcome?
  13. Ask about how to do assignment on adv corp fin class.
  14. Talk to her through the whole process.
  15. Point out what formulas are needed.
  16. 去哪里旅游题?
  17. Ed1: If you have unlimited funds and can travel to anywhere in the world, where do you want to go and why?
    Ed2: Without fund limitation, which country do you like to travel?
    Ed3: 如果费用全部 cover 你想带你的父母去哪里旅游 为什么?
    Ed4: If you want to live in a country where speaks language you don't know, where will you choose and why?
  18. What's the famous destination you want to visit and why?
    Ed1: Where would you like to if you can go back to 100 years ago? You can choose any country except your own.
    Imagine that you have the opportunity to learn how people live in different countries. What country’s people might you choose to learn and why?
  19. Ed1: your friend offers you a job in another country, which country would you choose, what job would you choose and why?
  20. 你负责两个国家之间的一次文化交流活动,这两个国家必须是地理距离远的,问选择哪两个国家,为什么?
  21. 你要通过什么学习别的国家的 tradition?
  22. Whether it is important for students to learn that people with different culture have different values with them?
  23. Imagine that you are asked whether or not you think it is important for students to learn that people from other cultures can have different values. How might you approach your answer to that question?
  24. 你如何考虑 whether or not students should learn 不同的文化 as early as possible设问也有点奇怪,how might you approach this problem?
  25. 如果你只能选一个 currency 作为 international currency,选什么,为什么?
  26. Imagine you could introduce a product unique to your part of the world to another culture. What product would you choose and what culture would you introduce it to and why?
  27. If you are a CEO of a great cooperation, which product/service you would like to offer, why?
  28. If you are asked whether or not you could help solve the problem of the world, what will you respond?
  29. 说一个你最想解决的本国社会问题,为什么?你会怎么做?
  30. 如果你有一笔资金用于 donation 你会捐助到什么地方?为什么?
  31. 你需要做一个作业解释经济危机对一个国家的影响乃至影响整个世界,你会用什么方法去完成这个作业,为什么?

Humanity 社会问题

  1. Ed1:是否我们有责任帮助穷人?为什么?
    Ed2:Imagine that you are asked whether or not you feel a responsibility to do something about the poor conditions that some people in the world live under. How might you approach your answer to that question?
  2. Do you think you are the citizen of the world?(慢点说) 对一者有益对另一者无益。
  3. Ed1:If you are presented with a business idea that profitable in your country but not in other countries, will you accept it and Why?
  4. 如果你有一个选择,可以短期获益,但是会在长期跟你的跨国贸易伙伴有摩擦冲突,你会选这个选择么,原因?


  1. 你要为一个小国家建造一个 clean water project, 谁会在你的团队里面,why?
  2. 如果你有一件东西想要 donate 给 charity,你会选择捐什么?
  3. 如果让你成立一个组织去帮助别人,你会 focus on 哪个领域?
  4. If you can run an organization and benefit some groups of people, who do you think will be benefited?
  5. Ed1: You are the CEO of a company. You want to do a global health project. How will you talk to your shareholders?
    Ed2: 你怎么说服股东投资一个有利于贫困地区的商业项目?
    Ed3: 如果你的公司有一个有助于保护环境 climate and global warming 的项目,你怎么去说服 shareholder?
    Ed4: 如果一个项目,对男女平等有很好帮助,你该怎么向股东来推销这个项目?
  6. IT will make money.Show them the financial benefits.
  7. Show how they can contribute by changing other people’s living status.

Teamwork Conflicts

  1. Ed1:Tell me about a time when a member of your team received less credit than deserved for a successful group project. What was the outcome and what did you learn?
    Ed2: Tell me about a time when you were working on a group project and assumed a leadership role despite other team members being unsure in your abilities. What was the outcome and what did you do?
  2. Ed1: Tell me about a time when you received more credit than you deserved for a successful group project. What was the outcome and what did you learn?
    Ed2: Tell me about experience when one member in your team took credit over he/she deserved, what outcome? what did you learn?
  3. 在做 project 过程中遇到 bully 是怎么解决的?结果是什么?学到了什么?
  4. 组员没有积极参与组内活动,问你结果和学到了什么?
  5. 如果有人对你做了不道德的行为你会怎么做?结果怎么样?(队友)
  6. Done nothing. Miss almost all meeting.0 score on contribution score.
  7. Ed1:描述一个你觉得你比你的 mentor or boss 更 qualified 的经历,结果是,学到了啥?
    Ed2:Tell me an experience you have completely disagreed with your mentor, teacher, or boss. What is the outcome and what do you learn?


  1. Ed1: You are the team leader of a group. Your team members with different culture have the difficulties in understanding each other. What will you do?
    Ed2: If you are the leader of a diverse team and your team members have different perspectives. What will you do and why?
  2. Imagine that you are trying to resolve a cultural dispute between two individuals of different cultures. What would you do and why?
  3. Ed1: 如果你是一个 leader 做一个 group work,你的小组成员要 missing ddl 了,你会做点什么把他们拉回 track?
  4. Tell me about a time when you were partnered with someone on a team project who tried to do all of the work themselves. What was the outcome and what did you learn? 有一个人想做完全部的工作,问结果学到了什么?
  5. 如果有人对你做了不道德的行为你会怎么做?结果怎么样?(队友)

Self-experience 即兴经历

  1. Ed1: if you have the chance to spend one hour with global famous celebrities, but he cannot say anything, who will you choose and why?
    Ed2: 如果你可以选择和一位名人见面,你会选谁,为什么?
  2. Ed1:Describe a time when you have no idea what to do next. What is the outcome and what did you learn?
    Ed2:Tell me about a time when you had absolutely no idea how to get started on an important project.
  3. Tell me about an experience when you met a problem but had no one to ask, what's the outcome and what did you learn?
    Ed2:What was a time when you couldn't solve a problem and what did you learn from it?
    Ed3: Tell us an experience when you meet setbacks that you cannot solve. What's the result? What you learn from it?
  4. Describe an experience when you ask for help despite feeling uncomfortable. What is the outcome and what did you learn?
  5. 一段你得到的worse than 你预期的经历,结果和学到什么?
  6. Tell me about a time when you need to make decisions between two equally bad options, which one did you choose and what did you learn?
  7. Asking for RL.
  8. Ed1: Tell me about a time when you misunderstood expectations and had to improvise at the last minute. What was the outcome and what did you learn?
    Ed2: Tell us an experience that something unexpected suddenly changed your plan at the last moment. What's the result? What you learn from it?
    Ed3:Share an experience your plan suddenly changed. What was the outcome and what did you learn?
    Ed4: Describe an experience that you knew you handed a completed incorrect assignment.
    Ed5: Tell me about a time when you had to scrap everything and start from scratch halfway through a project. What was the outcome and what did you learn?
  9. What course you’ve struggled in most and what did you do to overcome the problems? What was the outcome?
  10. 你描述一个你本来觉得不可能完成,但最后完成的任务,结果是什么?
  11. 其它经历。
  12. Ed1: Tell me about a time you went to an event where you didn’t know anyone. What was the outcome and what did you learn?
  13. Tell me a time when you got second place in a competition. What is the outcome and what had you learnt?
  14. National writing award.Only got second place in school.
  15. 讲一个你没有准备的 public speech 的经历,结果是怎么个,学到了啥?
  16. Tell me about a time when you wanted to participate in a club or activity, but weren’t allowed too. What was the outcome and what did you learn?
  17. 说一个你曾经没有 keep promise 的经历,结果如何?你从中学到了什么?
  18. 描述一次你丢了很珍贵的东西的经历,最后结果怎么样?你学到了什么?
  19. 说一个你错过 ddl 的经历,结果是怎样的,你学到了什么?
  20. Tell me about a time when you needed to give someone criticism and you knew they wouldn't take it well. what was the outcomes and what did you learn?
  21. 描述一个你收到了不公平的批评,结局是什么,你学到了什么?




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