
Duke Fuqua MBA 面经 [2020.10.17]

[日期:2020-10-19] 来源:ChaseDream论坛 作者:ppkz [字体: ]

I interviewed with a year-2 student. The interview lasted about an hour.

  1. Walk me through your resume.
  2. Why MBA? Why now? Why Fuqua?
  3. Fuqua is not famous for its entrepreneurship program; why Fuqua?
  4. Quality of a great team member?
  5. What will you bring to the program?
  6. Tell me your leadership style.
  7. How did you solve a conflict?
  8. How does your manager describe you?
  9. How did you break into the VC industry?
  10. Short & long term career goals?
  11. Tell me a time that you made a mistake at work.
  12. Work in a diverse team
  13. Tell me more about your VC working experience.
  14. Why MBA? (Yes, he asked me again)

8 年前申研究生的时候就加入了 CD,那么多年了,CD 还在坚守,感动。




打印 | 录入:steven


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