
Rotman MBA 2021 Video Interview 总结 [2020.07.23]

[日期:2020-09-14] 来源:ChaseDream论坛 作者:zhe.p.li [字体: ]

申请学校:Columbia NYU Rotman

BG: GMAT 2016 700 美国有一个全奖的 MSA DIY T 免 四年中国四大 四年其他 Financial Experience MSA 毕业后美国小 Firm 两年经验

美国人申学校没有特别多的,美国的顶级中介或者导师最多建议 5 所,不好的会建议更多,美国最好的最大的资讯机构是 Stacy Blackman,好的咨询会有 M16 或者 top 10 前或现任招生官帮你 brianstorm 和改文书,我自己用了他们两小时做 brainstorm,但只为了一个学校 Columbia.效果不是很好,但会告知要注意的问题,比如推荐信最好 800 字左右,不要太少。批评要 gentle 之类。有一些用处。

因为在纽约三年,纽约的学校自然首选。但这个城市像围城。外边没来居住过的,不是旅行,都喜欢和憧憬。但居住过的觉得就是北京人在纽约说的地狱,除二代挥金如土生活潇洒惬意,Manhattan 单独 apartment 5000 起挑自己住的话。每天我在路上时间 3 小时至少,每天睡 5 小时。

话回 Rotman,video interview 已经不再是 Kira 了,是他们自己的系统和问题。Kira 的问题有参考价值但方向有偏颇。面试题应该是一年都是一样的。我贴出来我在中国美国所有网站找到的题库,应该是目前最全的,免费分享大家。今年的面试题目没放里面。Video 面试要有自信,你可以有口音,说话慢,说清楚就好。我见了太多 Columbia 的学生那个口音。中国的、新加坡的、土耳其的、印度的。我好奇怎么过的面试。

加拿大我去了四次,都是周末飞过去吃东西,找小姐姐。印度人是大部分,而且是传统上海的阿三,包头巾教派。因为加拿大对印度人有优惠的移民政策。冬天超冷,比 Boston 还冷,下大雪我开过几次车,做好准备。


Video Essay

  1. What do you do in a rainy day?
  2. Mistake & learning.
  3. What makes you smile? Young kids usually makes me smile.They are innocent and friendly.I used to be a tutor for the primary school after the classes.All the kids from different countries and with different thinking ways. Some willing to study and keep working on the homework quietly.And some not willing to, just played,ran in the classroom,and even disturbed the kids doing the homework.
  4. 中奖了 1 million USD,你会如何花?
  5. Who is your hero or role model?
  6. 如果有一个家庭 tradition 你会选择哪一个 to pass on to your children.
  7. What is your favorite time of a day?
  8. What is your favorite book?My favorite book is called A Native of Beijing in New York.
  9. What is your perfect day?
  10. What is the last good movie or tv show you have watched, and why do you like it?
  11. 你离不开哪种 modern convenience?
  12. One thing that you cannot live without.
  13. What is your hobbies out of work?
  14. What is the music in the soundtrack of your life?
  15. What's the # 1 played song in your iPod and why?
  16. Is a picture worth a thousand words?
  17. 你收到过的最好的建议?
  18. 你想拥有哪一种超能力,为什么?
  19. If you were an admission director at the Schulich school of business,what would be the three most important characteristics in an applicant that you would look for?
  20. If you wrote a book about yourself,what would the title be and why?
  21. If each day lasted 26 hours, what would you do with the extra time?
  22. You are stranded on a desert island.You can have people from three different profession there with you.Who do you choose?
  23. You need to design a T-shirt for 80 employees. What are the first three steps you would take?
  24. 在你的团队中,如果让你在狮子、长颈鹿和大象中选一个,你会选哪个?
  25. You are at a client meeting and your managing director is giving a presentation.You suddenly notice a mistake in some of the calculations which you have done for the presentation.Do you tell him or her? When?What do you say?
  26. If you were immortal for a day,what would you do?
  27. On what occasions do you recognize that you need the help of others?
  28. 如果你能停留在某个岁数,你希望是哪岁?Why?
  29. In order to complete a task, you need to ask your boss for time or more money,which will it be?
  30. What do you miss most when being a kid?
  31. 当你没有 get all facts 的时候要怎么做决定?
  32. How do you convince people?What did you learn?
  33. 一年中最喜欢什么时候?
  34. 如果可以选,你要谁来当你的父母?
  35. 上周学了什么?
  36. How would you handle a boss who gave you an assignment with a vague instructions and requirements?
  37. 如果你有一家公司,你会如何管理?
  38. What’s your nickname and what story behind it?
  39. What do you want to be when you were a kid?
  40. You like get up early or burning midnight oil.
  41. Pretend that we meet for the first time and I am in a company you dreamed of,how you introduce yourself?
  42. What is one lesson you have learned from your parents that you wish you had learned sooner?
  43. 你的同事怎么评价你?
  44. One word to describe yourself.
  45. 你最希望和什么样(characteristic)的人工作?
  46. 你最想去的地方是哪里?
  47. If you could travel across the United States in a car with anyone, whom would you choose to travel with and why?
  48. What would you do on a rainy Sunday afternoon?
  49. What quality do you value most?
  50. One thing that everyone says you are good at?
  51. If you can take a person to your MBA class every day, who will it be and why?
  52. 2 examples that you engage others into off work community/activity .
  53. A thing that has biggest influence on you?/ What do you think is the biggest impact to who you are today?
  54. What’s the best mistake you have ever made?
  55. Tell me about a time when you had to go above and beyond the call of duty to get a job done.
  56. 如果给你一个机会和一个已经逝去的人一起吃饭,你会选择谁?
  57. 给你一个机会能够回到过去或者去到未来,你是否愿意?
  58. Risk ever take & learning.
  59. Experience working in a diverse team.
  60. The best day of your life?
  61. 你是如何说服一个不会接受你的概念或者 idea 的人的,结果如何?
  62. 让一个人对一个 project task 之类的东西充满热情,你是如何做到的,结果什么,学到了什么?
  63. 你最近影响了什么人,怎么影响的,什么样的环境下,结果怎么样?
  64. Share a recent challenging project that you were anticipating taking on and what specifically you did to prepare?
  65. Tell me about a time when you had to go above and beyond the call of duty to get a job done?
  66. A time when you were stuck in a tricky situation. How did you handle it?
  67. Describe the most difficult problem you have ever encountered at work. What made it difficult?
  68. Describe a conflict,what is your solution and the outcome?
  69. 你参加过的项目,你怎么有 creativity,怎么做的,结果怎么样?
  70. 你的领导 ineffective 的一面,举例,从哪些方面你认为很 poor?
  71. Describe a recent situation in which you were working with others on a project, and these co-workers seemed not to be giving their best efforts. What did you do? What were the outcomes? What would you do differently if faced with a similar situation?
  72. Provide an example of an especially influential/impactful presentation that you delivered. What were the circumstances, what did you do to prepare and execute and what did you learn from the experience?
  73. Share a recent example of how you engaged others to participate in community activities outside of the workplace. Please include specifics on your actions, the outcomes and lessons learned.
  74. The role of the company in the realm of corporate social responsibility and your position.
  75. Describe a difficult professional decision you had to make.What were the consequences,and what,if anything,did you learn?
  76. What is the best idea you have made in your professional career?
  77. One thing that everyone says you are good at.
  78. 如果就是每周多一天的话,你会干什么?
  79. 3 reasons why MMA?
  80. Most influential person in your life.
  81. 写一封 email 邀请某门课的 professor 出来 coffee chat.
  82. In your opinion, describe the difference between Rotman's MMA program and other similar programs?
  83. Give an example of recent technological innovation that is applicable to your daily life.
  84. 为什么你适合 MBA program?
  85. 你最喜欢的家常菜?(没错就是这么酷楼主愣了好一会儿答了番茄炒蛋)
  86. What would you like to tell your future classmates?
  87. Tell about an activity you enjoy.
  88. What was the the greatest advice your first boss gave you?
  89. What was the biggest risk you've taken so far?
  90. How would your co-workers describe you?
  91. Identify an influential figure in your lives,and why?
  92. What do you do for fun?
  93. What are your passions, interests,and hobbies?
  94. If you could travel across the United States in a car with anyone,whom would you choose to travel with and why?
  95. What would you do on a rainy Sunday afternoon?
  96. How have you handled a difficult interaction? What did you learn from it?
  97. Describe a difficult professional decision you had to make. What were the consequences,and what,if anything,did you learn?
  98. How do you celebrate success?
  99. What trait is the most important to you?Why?
  100. Why MBA? 250-300 words.
  101. Why you?
  102. What did you do in the past week that was brave?
  103. What drives you in your personal life?
  104. If you had to perform in a talent show,what would you choose to act?
  105. What accomplishments or endeavors outside of the classroom are you most proud of?100 words 20 mins.
  106. Biggest challenge you’ve overcome.
  107. Draft a follow-up e-mail to your admissions officer explaining your enthusiasm for Rotman.(10 mins)
  108. What is your favorite X and why?(e.g. book,movie,musician,role model,hobby, etc.)
  109. Something situational,like "Describe a situation where you did Y? What did you learn?"
  110. Perhaps a classic"who would you want to have dinner with?" type of question. Just speculation.
  111. Ambassador writing.
  112. Mistake & learning.
  113. What makes you smile?
  114. What are your ambitions?
  115. What is your most prized possesion?
  116. What are things you did that make you proud of yourself?
  117. Based on your research about the program,how will you use the opportunities at Rotman Commerce to create a university experience that is right for you? 250 words 30 mins.


  1. 为什么喜欢商科/对商科感兴趣,你都做了些什么?
  2. 最近两个月在新闻上看到的故事,这个故事对商科有什么启示?用 100 字总结这件事,再用 100 字说出你的想法。
  3. 为什么觉得 a business degree is a good fit for you?
  4. What are things you did that make you proud of yourself?
  5. Why you think rotman should admit you?
  6. 请描述一次你的课外活动,以及这次活动对你的影响是什么?
  7. 请描述一次你的学术课程,以及这次课程对你的影响是什么?
  8. 请描述一次你最难忘的经历,为什么让你记忆深刻?


  1. 简单介绍一下自己。
  2. 介绍一下你自己非常感兴趣的一件事。
  3. 描述一下你有什么独特的技能或者经历可以带给 Rotman 商学院?
  4. 所有人都应该使用信用卡,而不是现金。你是否认同这个说法?
  5. 一个团队在首要位置的人应该总是领导团队做课题吗?表达观点并给出 2-3 个原因。
  6. Video game 是否能被视为 professional sports?
  7. 在一个团队遇到不可逾越的困难时你是如何解决它的?
  8. 你再课外还有哪些爱好?以及原因。
  9. Out of your studies,how do you keep engaged with your peers?
  10. 在小组活动中由于你的原因做了错误的判断,犯了错,从而影响了你的组员,你是怎么处理的?
  11. 第一个爱好吗?
  12. 你是否有曾经带领过团队完成过什么任务或目标,你的收获是什么?
  13. 你最不喜欢的事情是什么?为什么?
  14. 你早上起床推开窗看到外边下雪了,你接下来会开始思考哪些事情?
  15. 你觉得你最有趣的地方是什么,为什么?
  16. What attracts you to study at Rotman instead of other Canadian institution? What resources will you take advantage of here?
  17. Tell me about your undergraduate studies.What did you find the most challenging during that time?
  18. There are always challenge when studying abroad and integrating into a new culture and language.What strategy are you currently using to improve your English language proficiency?
  19. What future careers or fields attract you the most? Why?
  20. Graduate programs at Rotman require a substantial amount of group work. Tell me about a time when you were working with a group that wasn't functioning well together.What did you do,and what was the outcome?
  21. How do you mange stress?
  22. How do you thing companies can maintain their reputation given the power of social media?
  23. What do you think are the best and most challenging aspects of coming to study in Toronto next year?Why do you choose Canada?
  24. What's your weakest area in English language? What strategy are you currently using to improve your English language proficiency?
  25. Graduate programs at Rotman require a substantial amount of group work.Tell me about a time when you were working with a group that wasn't functioning well together. What did you do,and what was the outcome?
  26. How do you think a Master's program can help you with your career goals?Why?
  27. If you could do your undergraduate studies again, would you do the same things you did? If not,what would you like to change?
  28. (1)If a group of students move to another country. They only interact with the student among the group. What advices would you give them?
    (2)What do you think is the reason students who travel abroad only form relationships with the people from the same country? Do you think it is negative or positive?
  29. If you were to create a slogan for your life,what would you choose?
  30. How can companies attract and retain their best talents?

Written essay

  1. What do you think of the impact of self-driving cars on society?
  2. Following fashion trends is important in today's relevant workplace,do you agree or disagree?
  3. 手机的坏处?
  4. 如果你可以穿越时空,你会穿越回哪里?
  5. If all members of society were required to be finger printed, the world would be a safer place.Do you agree or disagree?Why?
  6. 你更想做一个成功的科学家还是有名的演员?
  7. 赌场可以带来很多税收,你认为城市应该建更多赌场吗?
  8. 10 min time limited written task. 我抽到的题目是写邮件文 ambassador 一个问题,最好能体现自己对这个学校和项目有深入研究。/大意是说选择 MBA program 要适合个人的发展规划,请向 rotman MBA 招生组提一个问题,来说明你在项目选择的时候是有针对性的?
  9. Background 说 networking 很重要什么的,然后写一封邮件给一个 Rotman alum 约 coffee chat networking / 正式开始先 10 分钟写个邮件,主要是你第一次要联系你的 coach 来探讨你的未来,这会关系到你未来找工作啥的。你会怎么约时间,怎么介绍你自己,career goal?10 分钟写 250 字。
  10. How to demonstrate the leadership?
  11. What steps do you take to remain attentive during conversation?
  12. 第四个作文写你觉得领导应该具有的品质种种,限时四分钟。
  13. 是什么动机让你尽你最大努力去完成一件事?What drives you in your personal life?
  14. Why you should be selected in the Study Tour in Rotman?(背景介绍里说,Rotman 每年都会有去中国,中东,拉美的 Study Tour,说这些 Study Tour 多么多么好然后你要写出自己为什么应该进入这种 Study Tour)/Rotman 有很多出国交换的机会,你希望自己是被选中的一个,你会怎么给 Rotman International Exchange Committe 写一封 cover letter.
  15. Practice to manage stress.
  16. Who is your hero model?(印象中是这样说的,反正就是说偶像)
  17. One thing that you cannot live without.
  18. 在你和一个雇主面试后, 你一般需要写一个感谢信,你要如何写?
  19. Rotman 的校友就是我校最好的代言人,如果有一个潜在的申请人让你写一份推荐信,你会怎么写?
  20. 向老板辞职说要去读 MBA?
  21. 如何管理时间以及如何找到 priority tasks.




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