
[已录] UCSD MSBA Kira 面经 [2020.05.14]

[日期:2020-08-31] 来源:ChaseDream论坛 作者:略略略233 [字体: ]


  • 12.05 submit
  • 05.14 kira
  • 05.20 nomination

个人认为自己可能是捡了 defer 同学的漏收到了面试和 nomination,绝对是今年的最后一批了,不能更漫长的申请季终于结束了。但是今天又出了新的签证政策,觉得自己千辛万苦申请的学校可能又去不了了,可能要被迫考虑别的国家或者工作了吧,心情复杂。只是想转个行而已太难了,决定申请 BA 之后从 chasedream 上偷了很多面经,决定来小小的回报一下社会,另外希望这种特殊时期大家都能正常入学(包括我自己),申请到心仪的学校。我做的 kira 是有写 updated 的,和其他同学收到的问题几乎一模一样,第二题也不是 market size 的问题。(我当时压根就没有准备)

  1. (90s)What are your short-term career goals, and what do you plan to do upon graduation here at Rady School of Management? What companies, functions, jobs, or industries interest you the most?
  2. (90s)分享一件 frustrated you 的事。
  3. (90s)Share with me the most complex programming that you've done to solve a situation. What program was used? How did you use it, and why did you choose that? Is that the programming language that you prefer? Please share any details with us about your abilities in programming so that we understand your abilities and what you will bring into this class.
  4. (90s)Share with us the courses relating to statistics, probability, and regression. How did you use it in daily life or projects?
  5. Writing(10 min) 描述一个复杂的问题给不懂专业技术的人。

BG:211 本科, BU Eng master GPA 3.4+, T 102, G 318,
因为是转专业 Resume 上有写一些相关的实习,还有上了 coursera 上一些课程。




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