
[已录] UBC MBAN Skype 面经 With Sanjay [2020.05.18]

[日期:2020-08-26] 来源:ChaseDream论坛 作者:MariaZZ [字体: ]

首帖,感谢在 CD 看见的面经,分享攒人品。

我申请的比较晚,4 月 28 日最后期限递交的申请,5 月 8 日收到面试,选了最早的面试时间。

18 日当天我提前 45 分钟给 Sanjay 发了信息询问是不是对的 skype account,他在提前 15 分钟时候回复是的。

面试提早开始了,差不多 8-9 分钟的样子,很尴尬因为我设置了一个提前五分钟的闹钟,面试刚开始没几分钟闹钟响了。

面了 37 分钟,都是 behavior 问题,没有问任何 data-related 问题:

  1. Why UBC,why mban?非常简短的回答完之后问了还有没有什么别的理由?
  2. 能给 cohort 和学校带来的贡献?(in program & after program)
  3. Short/long term goal.
  4. How mban help you to achieve the career goal?
  5. Example of leadership.
  6. What areas do you need to improve on to be a better leader?
  7. What misconception does other people usually have about you?
  8. Disagreement with manager example and how did you resolve?
  9. Conflict with team member example and how did you handle?
  10. Apply any other program,any offers received?

最后也没让问问题,但是告知说他会把记的 notes 发给 admissions team,然后 admissions 会再 review full application,2-3 周出决定。




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