
INSEAD R2 Video Interview [2020.05.17]

[日期:2020-08-24] 来源:ChaseDream论坛 作者:Insead2018 [字体: ]

早上刚做完 video interview 了,遇到了 4 个问题,和大家分享一下:

  1. Team 里有倾向于 dominate discussion 的,你怎么做?
  2. 讲一个 interesting 的项目。
  3. 你参与的 diversity 的活动。
  4. 你承担的 social responsibility 的活动。

另附收集到的之前的一些问题 list 如下,感觉不会超过这些问题了,其实总结一下无非是 why MBA/ WHY INSEAD/ Diversity/ Social responsibility/ achievement/ failure/ conflict 之类的常见的问题,准备好自己就好,祝福大家能有好的表现!

  1. 你的公司的 business priority 现在变了,你如何让你的队友,同事去适应新的 goal?
  2. 你在职业生涯中给自己设定过哪些(some)challenging 的目标?
  3. 你认为对 start a new business and run it 的重要 factor 有哪些?
  4. What are the most important values and ethics that you demonstrate as a leader? Give me an example of this in practice?
  5. In one minute tell me how INSEAD fits into your career plan?
  6. Tell me about a time when you had to speak with someone that had an accent or couldn’t speak the same language as you. How did you adapt?
  7. Describe a time when you got a negative feedback from a manager or professor. How did it make you feel?
  8. 选一个人,想和他吃 dinner.
  9. 在 Insead 这一年的 priority 是什么?
  10. 一个朋友让你失望的经历。
  11. 你在新公司的第一个月要干嘛?
  12. 外国人第一次到访你的国家,你会给他什么建议?
  13. 如果你的团队中有个成员非常害羞不愿意开口,你会怎么做?
  14. What to expect from future employer?
  15. Expect from colleagues.
  16. 你和最好的朋友在同一个 team 里,有了矛盾怎么办?
  17. 一次必须改变想法的经历,why?
  18. 如果小组合作中你的组员跑过来说他没有完成任务,你怎么办?
  19. 如果你是组里的新人,seniors 不愿意和你分享信息,你怎么办?
  20. If you classmate has issue adapting to a new environment, how do you help him?
  21. How do you measure success, and how do you achieved that?
  22. Do you believe a company should aim to maximize share holder value, and is there anything additional they should care?
  23. describe a situation where you failed, how did this experience impact your relationship with others?
  24. Who inspires you and why?
  25. Describe the achievement of which you are most proud and explain why.
  26. Name a figure from the business world you admire and explain why?
  27. What are the top three factors you would attribute to your success?
  28. Name a company you admire and why?
  29. If you are given unlimited resources, what services or product will you company provide?
  30. Why do you want to apply for INSEAD?
  31. What are you expecting to learn during INSEAD MBA?
  32. How your colleagues would describe you leadership style? Give an example.
  33. What do you do when someone comes to you with a problem?
  34. What was the most interesting project you have worked on? Why was it interesting to you?
  35. What is leadership according to you?
  36. In one minute tell me how INSEAD fits into your career plan?
  37. Explain what you would do to gain respect as a new manager.
  38. Encounter with different people (diversity question) and how did it effect you.
  39. How would you approach a team member that is not putting his share of work towards the goal?
  40. What makes you can good candidate for the INSEAD MBA program?
  41. What do you think of the sentence “in Rome, act like a Roman” and why?
  42. Tell us about a manager you looked up to – what were the qualities you liked?
  43. A colleague is asking you to help him/her to assess his/her future career options. How do you help him/her grow?
  44. How would you define success for your career?
  45. Please explain why and how networking will help you in a start-up situation?
  46. Give an example of a stressful situation you did not handle well at work. What did you learn?
  47. How do you fight against stereotypes and include sensitivity?
  48. You are starting a new project with team members coming from different cultures and educational background. How would you make them meet?
  49. How do you keep track of your vision? Or that of your company?
  50. What according to you is required to start a successful business and then to run it?
  51. What is diversity according to you?
  52. What is entrepreneurship according to you?
  53. Describe a cultural shock that you have encountered? 不同文化的人交流时被 positively impacted.
  54. What is your leadership style?
  55. What if a team member always try to dominate the conversation and always stick to his own opinion, what will you do?
  56. Tell me about an experience living, travelling, studying or working abroad. What was this experience like for you?
  57. 你和一桌人坐着,只有你一个人是外国人,他们用自己的语言谈话,你怎么办?
  58. Describe a situation where non-verbal cues have helped clarify a complicated situation.
  59. Describe a time when understanding someone else’s perspective helped you understand him/her better.
  60. Are you aware of your own bias, and how do you deal with that?
  61. How do you promote sensitivity and inclusion in the workplace?
  62. Describe the actions and behaviors of a manager or supervisor that you have responded effectively.




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