
[原创]2003. 6.12--北京2000被大TT拒

[日期:2005-01-22] 来源:ChaseDream论坛 作者:fwbj01 [字体: ]



TT: What is your purpose?
Me: I wish to pursue MBA degree at xxx university.
TT: Your visa application was refused on Apr.15 for U.Virginia's program, why you changed school?
Me: The program at Virginia has started on May 1. I want to start my study as early as possible.
TT: (typing in computer)
TT: $&%*...
Me: What? I am sorry?
Me: The program at U.Virginia is in executive format, it is not an ordinary program. The current program is an ordinary MBA program.
Me: This is my appeal letter. (push it into the window) I think this can explain.
TT: (not even a look at it)
TT: What is your plan after graduation?
Me: To run joint-venture business with my partner. Because I will be a Canadian Permanent Resident by the time I graduate, our joint-venture will enjoy lower tax rate. Our business is brand-new intellectual business, nobody has done it before.
TT: (silence)
Me: I submitted my permanent residence application to Canada in 2000. In next year, I will get the landing paper. So I will land at Canada first to make my residence effective, then I will come back to China. Here is the evidence for my application to Canada.
TT: (still no look at my documents, busy at computer)
TT: I am sorry you are not eligible for the visa. You've applied for visa a couple of times...
Me: Only one time.
TT: I don't believe what you said. (给了我一张要求一年之内不要再去申请签证的纸)
Me: You've no right to eliminate my right to study in US just because...(当时真的是辞不达意,大TT也开始恼火)
TT: You've right to study in US and I have to right to ...
TT: (pointing at me to other VO,嘲讽地) this gentleman says I have no right to ...
Me: Sorry. (愤然离开,很多人向我这边投来目光)








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