
Fordham MSGF 面经 [2020.04.15]

[日期:2020-08-10] 来源:ChaseDream论坛 作者:zhwwwzh [字体: ]

面试官叫 Pablo Gonzalez, 目前的 MSGF 的在校学生,2020 年 5 月毕业。是 FFS 的 board 的 member.可以去 LinkedIn 上面搜索一下他的其他相关信息。

一共面试了 18-20 分钟,主要的面试问题有以下:

  1. Tell me about yourself.
  2. Why Fordham?
  3. Your short term goal and long term goal.
  4. Be specific, 我说的去 investment bank,他要求说具体哪个方面,我说的investment banking,然后他问我毕业后未来两三年,和 5-10 年都准备从什么 position 开始, 如果从 analyst 做到了 vc,你还会考虑继续往上面升还是换工作?
  5. Tell me about your internship experience.
  6. If I ask your boss, what would he/she say about your greatest weakness and strength?
  7. Tell me experience when you are in a team as a leader to solve the conflicts between two team members.
  8. What is your passion besides your work, passion?
  9. If you left the investment banking industry, what are you going to do?
  10. If you want to start up your own business, what business do you want to do? Still financially related? Or create something new?




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